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I looked around at how big everything now looked. "Oh my goodness! Why I am so small!?" I couldn't believe it. I looked at the bars and realized I could actually get out of my cell now. I was far from free though. I did not know the castle grounds at all. I didn't know how big the castle was or how not to get lost.

I ran out of my cell and toward the last cell where the mysterious bread giver was. I was so excited and couldn't wait to thank them. When I was bigger I'm sure it would have taken a few steps to get to where I was going, but I was small now and took longer than I expected.

I ran into the cell, "Thank you so much for helping me," I said. I was not expecting to see a woman in the cell. She has soft features, her skin looked so delicate and her eyes were so gentle and kind. She looked at me but she had sad eyes and couldn't even imagine her hurting a fly. Why was she in here? Why did she have magical bread? How did she get big again?

"You're not small like me? I saw your hand when you handed me the bread." I looked at her in astonishment.

She looked like she had a lot on her mind. "I was the Red Kings assistant," she said shyly and ashamed. "He selfishly wanted all my magic for himself, so he locked me down here in the dungeon when I would help him."

"Do you know how to get around the castle grounds?" I was hoping she would be willing to help me, that it did not register what she had said.

"Yes, I do." She replied to me in despair.

"Great! Let's get out of here! Why haven't you left yet?" I asked wondering why she was still here in the dungeon.

"You don't get it." She said to me, her voice sounding like she had already accepted her fate. "I can't leave. I'm not allowed to leave," she had started.

I was confused if she had magic or powers why was she still here? She could have left a long time ago. She could have just snuck out. She had magic bread that shrank you.

"The king went into my chambers when I wasn't here," she continued. "He sent me on an errand outside of the castle. I was gone for several weeks. That's when the king took it upon himself to figure out how he could become powerful. When I returned the king had gone through my spellbook and made a potion that forced all my powers to become his. I saw the piece of bread that I was practicing shrinking potions on and stuck it into my pocket when he wasn't looking."

She was sad and upset that she didn't see the king for what he really was. She had trusted the king. Not once did she think that the king would betray her trust. She had been his assistant for a long time. She had stood by his side through many trials and tribulations. "His greed and thirst for power overtook him. This was once a colorful castle. You could find every color of the rainbow here, but everything turned red the moment he took what wasn't his in the first place."

I felt so investing in her story. She seems so empty and destroyed. She had lost hope in what was once her friend. She did not know if her friend would come back or if he was to be the Red King forever.

This was also the first time I had met someone who was not completely out of their mind. She had gone through hardships like me and I felt for her, she was tricked by the Red King. He was so selfish and mean but he was the only way for me to get home.

"Wait, if he has your powers, does that mean if you get it back,you could send me home?" I asked excited and yet cautious.

"I could, but getting my powers back from the Red King won't be easy. I have to get my spellbook and potions too." Her voice perked up a bit and seemed curious about me.

"Okay," I said, "how do we go about doing that?"

I was ready for what she was going to say next. I knew that there was about to be asked a lot from me. I knew that I was going to have to do the unimaginable. I knew I had to step out of my comfort zone and onto the ledge if I wanted to get home. I  needed to do whatever she said needed to be done. I was ready! I made it this far and I had to go all the way. I looked over at her preparing myself internally for what she was going to say next.

Suddenly she started laughing. "What's so funny? Are you okay?" I asked confused.

"You really thought I was going to tell you where to retrieve those items from?" She said as her voice went from sweet and innocent damsel in distress to a vengeful deep one.

I was so confused and scared. I wasn't sure what was happening but I didn't like it one bit. Her soft features that I admired started to change. Her sweet kind eyes flickered into dark sinister ones. I knew at that moment I was the one who had been tricked. I watched astonished and frozen as the sweet innocent assistant morphed into the Red King.

"What did you do to your assistant!" I said demanding an answer.

"Assistant? Assistant? There's no assistant!" He said laughing at me. "You're so gullible. I just wanted to know why you were here and now I know."

I was furious. He had tricked me into talking. A part of me felt betrayed. I didn't know if I was ever going to get out of here.

I had been so wrapped up in everything that was happening that I had forgotten that I was as small as a mouse. I ran out of the cell, down the hall and behind a table. I looked for a way to get out of the dungeon. I started cursing at myself at how I could get so distracted instead of finding my way back home.

"Where are you? You little, little girl?" The Red King said mocking me.

I saw a small hole in the wall across the way from me and decided that was my way out of here and away from the Red King. I looked around and then dashed for the wall with all the strength I could muster.

I started hearing large footsteps behind me. I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I pushed harder when I could hear the footsteps start to get closer. I could see the hole getting bigger as got closer. I was almost there! I was going to make it! I was going to get away! I could see the inside of the dark hole, I was free.

"No! No! No!" I crashed into the bars that blocked my way. The exit was right there! One more step! There were bars that stood between me and my freedom.

The Red King started to laugh. "So you thought you could get away from me that easily?" He said in a superior tone.

He then pushed the lid that slid across the floor towards me. I heard the lid lock closing me into the cage. My stomach dropped as I was lifted into the air, fainting from the exhaustion and the overwhelming feeling of been stuck here forever.

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