Plan B

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I spent the day figuring out how to get to the tower without the King or the guards noticing.

I roamed around the inside and outside of the castle making mental notes of the layout. I made sure the guards saw me every once in a while, so they didn't think I was up to something. "Hi, guys. You guys working hard today? Keep up the good work!"

I would go into my room sporadically and write it all out, so I wouldn't forget. "Damn, there's no other way to get to the tower except up the spiral staircase," I said to myself. There was no entrance from the third floor to get to the tower, the staircase was the only way.

Over the next few days, I made a plan. I found the castle library and picked a book to read. At sunset, I would go into the courtyard, sit down at a table and read my book. Everyday after sunset the king would head down the corridor and up to the tower. It was always really late and after I headed to bed that the king would come down. I couldn't stay up late enough to catch him coming down without anyone noticing. One night I was woken up by the King.

"What are you doing sleeping out here?" The King said to me.

I rubbed my eyes trying to figure out where I was, "Oh, your majesty. I must have fallen asleep reading."

"This is not the best place to be falling asleep," the King said to me.

"Yes, I am sorry. What time is it?"

"It's past midnight," he said to me.

"Oh my goodness. I guess all my walking around the castle wore me out. I guess I should be heading to bed now. Goodnight your majesty," I said rushing off to bed.

"Goodnight Jessica," the King said flatly watching me rush off.

I got up to my room. I couldn't believe that I fell asleep instead of keeping an eye on the King. "Stupid. Stupid. How could I fall asleep out there? Well at least I know now that the King comes down after midnight," I said to myself. I washed up and got ready to put my plan into action the next day.

****The Next Day****

I woke as the sun crept through the valley and into my window. The sky was a mix of orange, red and blue. It gave me strength and reassurance that today would be a special day. I walked out of my room and looking into the courtyard. There were just a few of the townspeople starting their day. I went out to the kitchen and asked the chef and maids if I could assist with preparing the King meal. They looked at me if I had lost my mind. I reassured them that I wanted to show my appreciation to the king for letting me stay in the castle. The took me for my word and allowed me to assist.

When the King came into his personal dining room, the table was set with a variety of foods. He looked up to see me helping the maids bring food in from the kitchen.

"Jessica? What are you doing?"

"Good morning your majesty," I said upbeat tone. "I just wanted to show my appreciation for all you have done for me."

A smile swept across the king's face. "You're very welcome. Will you be joining me for breakfast?"

"If you'd like me too, I will," I answered him.

"Please take a seat," He replied.

"Sire, I would like to ask you a question," I asked him.

"Ah, so there is a reason to all of this," the king said.

"Well, yes, but I did do this to thank you. I would like to spend the day with you."

The king stopped mid-chew and looked up at me. He swallowed what he had in his mouth, wiped his lips with his napkin and smiled. "You want to spend the day with me?"

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