Your Highness

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"Let's go!" the guard said poking me with his staff. "Open the doors!" he then yelled.

As I walked closer to the entryway doors, they started to part and swing open. I was beautiful and breathtaking, with a creepy 'don't leave me here at night' kind of undertone.

The red carpet that ran from the hallway went up to the throne. The floor was a shiny white-ish marble color with red veins throughout. There were stairs that went from the throne to the second floor. I assumed that way the Red King could look down on a crowd of people at once.

It was a huge dark room. The multiple small windows on both sides of the throne room let in light that lit up the carpet. I could see all the dust particles flying in and out of the streams of light.

"When was the last time this place was dusted" I whispered as the guard knocked his stick into my arm, giving me the rudest look to shut up

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"When was the last time this place was dusted" I whispered as the guard knocked his stick into my arm, giving me the rudest look to shut up.

We stopped at the bottom of the stairs, the guards lined up in a row on either side of me and got on one knee; with one hand holding their staff, the other arm resting on their bent knee, and then bowed their heads in respect.

"Your Highness, this is the little girl that was in your garden. She is the one who started the fire and ruined your bushes." the guard reported.

I looked at the guard and rolled my eyes 'Little girl.' How dare he call me a little girl, I'm almost 18! I thought to myself before I was yanked down to the floor to show respect to the king. I looked up to the throne to get a glimpse of this so-called 'king.' I slowly moved my eyes up and sitting on the throne I saw a part of an arm and leg flash through the beam of light.

"Stand!" he said to me with an authoritative tone. He then stood up and took a step into a ray of light. The suns ray came from the right side, catching the bottom of his jawline, which looked like it could have been a weapon on its own. The light continued across his chest, where you could see the outline of his pecks through his black shirt. He had a coat on as vibrant as the carpet. His pants were black and faded into the backdrop of the darkness. I tried to focus on his seeing his face, but I couldn't see it in the dark. I stared at him hoping to get a good look but it was no use.

"Girl...." he started to say and I could feel my blood boil. He continued, "you are being charged with setting the garden on fire and destroying the royal bushes. How do you plead?"

"I plead.." I said thinking of what to say that could get out of trouble and maybe on his good side.

"It doesn't matter what you plead," the king said cutting me off, "you are guilty!" He paced back and forth, giving off a very pleasing attitude.

"What!" I said in shock. I couldn't believe he asked me a question and then didn't hear me out. "You can't do that!" I snapped at him.

The king turned around towards my direction. "What do you mean I can't do that? Do you know who I am? Where you are? I think not!"

"I didn't even get to give me a chance to say my plea," I said hoping he would see my point.

"I am the king! I am the judge, jury, and executioner!" he said smirking. "I have the final say. If I say you're guilty, then sweetie you're guilty."

"I am not your sweetie, little girl or anything! I am Jessica! I am almost 18 and lost in this godforsaken place and I just want to go home!" I had blurted out from frustration.

As soon as I those words came out of my mouth, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked at the guards to see them on both knees with their arms laid out in front of them, chest flat on the ground and heads tucked into their chest.

"Oh crap!" I said to myself, I knew I was in big trouble.

"How dare you talk to your king like that!" The Red King snapped back at me. He started to walk down the steps toward me.

"My king? You are not my king! I don't have a king!" I retorted back at him. How dare he talk to ME like that. I wasn't one of his people. I was a visitor, a guest, how dare he treat me like I was some peasant.

The guards all stood up at once and surround me like someone had hit the reverse button on dominoes.

I don't know what I was more scared of the guards or the king who had now picked up his pace. I need to get out of here! There was nowhere to go with all the guards surrounding me. The Red King came up to the guards and they split like the parting of the red sea.

The king stopped in front of me, chest rising with every ragged breath. A ray of light was shining on his face, his hair was a beautiful shade of red like the jacket he was wearing. His face was turning red, but that was my fault. His eyes looked dark behind the angry furrowed brows and pursed lips that seemed almost too small for his face.

There he stood there, labored breathing from speed walking and anger. "You really have no idea WHO you are messing with!" He said outraged. "Guards, take this girl to the dungeon!"

As soon as he spoke those words, the guards filed in lines, the guard on the left and right grabbed my triceps. Then guards then did a complete 180 without a word and we started walking in the direction in which we came in.

'NO! NO! You can't do this to me!" I yelled as we started to move towards the large doors.

"I can do whatever I want! I AM THE KING!"

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