To Die or Not To Die

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I started pacing, think about how I could get out of not eating myself to death. I leaned against the bars looking around at my surroundings.

The castle was actually quite marvelous. The long ceiling was separated into squares like a checkerboard. Around each square was a beautifully carved border. The pillars were tall with carvings at the top and bottom. The details in the throne room were incredible. I could see that it was getting late, the sun was only on one side of the castle windows while the other side was dark. It did not seem like the Kings' style at all. "I wonder if this really is fathers' castle or if it belonged to someone else.

Suddenly there was a commotion on the other side of the doors. "Open the doors, you idiots! Did you not see me coming?"

"Wow, back to his old self," I said rolling my eyes. I prepared myself with a fake smile.

The doors slowly opened and the king walks in the room and down the red carpet towards me.

"Your Highness, you're back," I exclaimed with the most cheerful voice.

"Yes. I had the kitchen staff cut a little bit of everything into small bites for you." He said pleased with himself.

"Your majesty, you did not have to do all of that. Thank you for being so thoughtful."

He called for a guard to bring in a table and the tray from the stairs to the throne. The table was placed between the Red King and my cage. He lifted the dome off the tray and to my surprise there was an array of fruits, bread, cheese, and wine.

I felt a bit uneasy as I saw all the normal-sized portions. Right when I was about to ask about the size portions he had mentioned, he reached over and brought out a doll portioned plate. The food was cut up into bite-size pieces as he has said. He opened the door to my cage and place the plate next to me.

"Here you go, my dear. Please enjoy." He said so sweetly to me.

Why was he being so nice all of a sudden? It rattled my brain that he could change so fast, but it was reassuring at the same time. What was he up to? Was he really trying to kill me?

I pulled the tiny plate close to me. I looked over at the king, he had already started eating. He nodded at me to go ahead and eat up. I took a bite of the small cut piece of the grape while preparing for the worst. I wasn't dead! I looked down at the grapes, it was a redder color than most grapes. I was so juicy and delicious. I wiped my face with the back of my hand and took another bite.

"It is like we are on a date, right?" the Red King said out of the blue, popping a piece of cheese into his mouth with a big smile on his face. He seemed to enjoy my company.

I inhaled at his words, almost choking on my food. I started coughing trying to catch my breath.

"Are you alright?" The king asked concerned.

I nodded at him and then smile. Was he was smitten with me? Was no one ever nice to him before? I decided this was my chance to ask him for the answers I needed. I brushed off the crumbs on my shirt and sat up straight getting ready for an answer I may not want to hear. "Sire," I started hoping this would all end well, "can I ask you a question?"

His face peeked up at my question. He raised his eyebrows pleased that I was so willing to converse with him. "Yes, please do."

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath, "Well, I was wondering if you were willing to make me my normal size again?" I tucked my head into my shoulders waiting for the yelling to start because I had asked for a favor, but he did not.

"You want to go back to your normal size?" He placed his hand on his chin and rubbed his fingers along it as he was thinking. "Since I did trick you into being small and we are making some sort of amends, I can't see why not."

I sighed then looked over at the king, surprised by his answer. "Really!"

"Yes, I think you know now what I can do and who's in charge here." The king proclaimed using his authoritative tone.

"Oh, yes. You are the Red King. A man that is not to be messed with." I said using Yeon words. I was so excited I had forgotten the other question I wanted to ask him. I had even forgotten that he had not finished his story.

The King whispered something to the guard and the guard left the room. The Red King asked the other guards to remove the table and food from the throne room. Then told them that he was not to be disturbed no matter what. They agreed and shut the door as they left.

The first guard came back into the room and gave the King a small bottle and then bowed and dismissed himself.

The Red King unlatched the hook and removed the top of the cage from the bottom. He then wrapped his hand around my body, picked me up and brought me closer to him.

"If I do this for you and you run away, you will regret it," the king said. A shiver that ran down my spine, I nodded and he placed me carefully on the throne room chair.

"Are you ready to be normal size again?" The king said almost sounding as excited as I was.

"Yes, Sire," I replied.

The king gave me a small cup that he poured a liquid from the bottle he got from the guard. I looked at him strangely taking the cup form him. This is not what I had expected. I was hoping for some grand gestures, a proof of smoke, magic words-anything? That's all this place has been since I got here. I prayed that I didnt turn into something weird or become a mindless slave after drinking this. 

"Go ahead." The king motioned to me. "Wait," he said abruptly, "drink it in small sips."

I nodded at him in agreement and brought the cup up to my mouth. It was wine and it was so tasty. It wasn't bitter or nasty as my mother had always told me.

I kept drinking, instead of sip like the king had warned me.

"Slow down! Not so fast! Sip it! His voice had finally come in clear from being background noise. I had tuned out by my thoughts, being in the enjoyment of how tasty the wine had been.

I spit out what I had left in my mouth. The king looked upset at me. "What did I tell you!" he snapped at me.

"I'm sorry. It tasted so good. I guess I was thirsty" I got scared and prepared for something to happen. I looked up at the king, "Nothings happen-." I let out a loud hiccup and my legs shot me straight up to the ceiling. I hit my head on the roof of the throne room.

"What in the world," I said. The back of my neck and shoulders were against the roof. My head was tilted down looking at the king, realizing he was the small one this time. I would smash him like an ant, but I didn't have room to move.

"Are you okay?" The kind yelled up to me.

I frowned at the king. "Do I look like I'm Okay?"

At that very moment, another hiccup came from deep in my chest and my legs shot up into my body and I was hanging in mid-air, then I screamed as I started to fall to the ground.

The king took off running and jumped as he caught me and we both fell to the ground. I laid there in his arms as both of us were breathing hard. I looked over toward him, "are you ok?" He nodded his head at me and we both stood up.

I started to brush myself off, "I'm me again! I'm not small or big. I'm the perfect sized me." I exclaimed.

The King laughed watching me in all my excitement.

I turned to him and gave him a big hug. "Thank you so much!" As I released him from my grasp, I could see a rose color tint run across his face. "I'm sorry your majesty."

"It's okay. I understand you're excited." He said smiling. "Let me show you to the room you will be staying in."

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