The Warning

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I picked up my pace through the tall grass. Using my hands to push through, hoping it would help me move faster. I do not want to deal with you right now. I thought to myself.

I did not move fast enough. From behind me, I heard the husky voice ask, "You did not seem to enjoy the party?"

"No, I did not! They ignored me almost the whole time!" I said angrily. "Are you here to annoy me? Don't be rude, come out here Yeon!"

"Oh, who's being rude now?" He said calmly.

Yeon's fluffy tail appeared on my shoulder, wagging away. His smile appeared on my other shoulder as the rest of him followed around my back. He floated in front of me. He looked like a puffy cloud that you usually like seeing on a sunny day.

At the moment I was not in the mood for his brain games.

"You know that everything isn't about you, right?" He stated.

"I know that!" I said, curious about where he was going with this.

He started to fade away starting from his tail. His eyebrows frowned, and his smile grew big. Then in an evil husky voice, he said: "See, here, everything's the Red Kings way."

"The Red King?" I said confused. "Who's the Red King?"

"Have you not heard of the Red King, my dear?" Yeon said in a concerned tone, reappearing In a flash.

"NO! There isn't even a 'kind of way' here. Everyone does what they want! No one listens to anyone. This place is crazy!" I debated. I continued walking through the tall grass aimlessly.

Yeon floated around me like a scarf around my neck. "That is the Kings' way." He said intelligently and with a Royal tone.

"What kind of way is that?" I remarked harshly.

Yeon sat on my shoulder raised one eyebrow at me and said: "Why don't you go ask him yourself and see? He's not a big fan of visitors, though. He's the only one who knows how to get you out of here." His eyes focused on me, waiting to see what I would say next.

I paused and thought about what Yeon had just said. There's a king here? This place doesn't even seem like its even run properly, let alone have a king. Plus he knows the way out of here, why didn't Yeon say so before?

"Even if I did go see the Red King, I wouldn't know where he is even at."

"He's at his castle; where else would he be?" Yeon stated.

"Ok, but where is his castle at?" I said rolling my eyes, having to explain myself.

"It just beyond those mountains." He pointed to two mountains off in the distance.

You could only see the tips of a castle between the mountains. The mountains were tall, and I was not sure if the castle was on a hill or if it was so big that you could only see the top of it.

"That's so far away!" I said sounding defeated; stomping, and pouting around

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"That's so far away!" I said sounding defeated; stomping, and pouting around.

Yeon coasted in front of me, grabbed my lower lip, pulled it and then let go.

Wide-eyed and startled, I stared at him. "What did you do that for?"

He started a low rumbly giggle and tried to keep from smiling. He burst out laughing, holding his stomach as if he couldn't contain himself any longer.

"I did not want your lip to get stuck like that," he said trying to regain his composers.

I put my head down, as I suddenly felt overwhelmed and sad. I felt like I got hit by a truck of feelings. I had traveled so far and still had a long way to go. I had the crushing sense of despair and wanted to cry. I was not sure why I had this feeling all of a sudden, but it was overtaking me like a huge wave.

Yeon noticed that I looked distraught and started to run around me in the air, like a puppy on a treadmill.

I suddenly noticed the little cotton ball running around me from the corner of my eye. As I lifted my head, he stopped directly in front of my face and then disappeared.

"Wait don't go!" I yelled at him. I did not want him to leave just yet.

He appeared just as fast as he disappeared. "Yesss." He said, drawing his words out. He had a smirk on his face, giving off a satisfied vibe.

"Which way should I go to get to the Red King?" I said finally accepting my fate. If this was the only way to get out of here then this is something I must do.

"Keep heading in the way you should go and you will reach your destination," he said looking at me, knowing that I already knew the answer to my question. "Just a small warning though the Red King is not one to be messed with. He is very composed and very serious," he had added.

"Um, ok. Don't mess with the king. Got it." I said. "Well, I guess this is bye until we meet again?" I said relieved that he was always his over the top self.

"Goodbye, my dear," Yeon said as he winked into thin air.

"I guess I should get going. I have a long way ahead of me and this may take all night." I said as if I was giving myself a pep talk. 

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