The Path Not Taken

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*This is one of my shorter chapters. I hope you enjoy it none the less.*

As I took my first step, it felt like someone had flipped a light switch and another foot of cobblestone lit up. I looked up into the emptiness, but there was no source from where the light was coming from. It seemed as if the night was eating up the beams. I stood there for a minute contemplating if I should do this or not, and then I heard Koy's voice saying, "Just follow the path."

I took a deep breath and continued. Step by step the cobblestones lit up as I walked. The rhythmic sound of the stone under my feet gave me a satisfying feeling. I thought about what Koy had said to me before he vanished into thin air. What did he mean when he said I was an army and how am I never alone? When I am -of course- walking all alone right now?

"What did I do to end up in this place? I wish my dad was here?" I sighed to myself. He always knew what to do in extreme circumstances. He was my best friend. I wish I was holding his hand right now. Holding his hand always made me secure.

My mom would always let me go out and do things with my friends, but it all stopped after my dad passed away. We moved from the city to out in the middle of nowhere. She became very overprotective and always wanted to know where I was. It was like having a controlling boyfriend. I just decided to stay home to get her off my back. When I dedicated all my attention to BTS, she suddenly wanted me to get out of the house. I don't have any friends or anyone to hang out with in my neighborhood. No one understands my passion and what BTS has done for me.

Eventually, my relationship with my mom became strained. We mostly yell at each other or we don't speak at all. She kept telling me I was going through 'teenage hormones' and one day I would see what she was really trying to do for me. I all I could see was what she wouldn't let me breathe and then tried to kick me out.

"Focus, Jessica," I said shaking my head trying to get out of my thoughts. I had to keep my wits about me, who knows what's waiting ahead for me. I know I have to figure this out and get back home. Why did I have to follow that little white bunny? Why did I have to fall down that hole? Why did I have to end up in this place? What weird creatures are in store for me and how am I going to get home?

The sounds of the clicking stone under my feet had put me in a trans. I suddenly realized the sound stopped, I looked down to see I was now on a dirt trail. I turned around and saw that the stones were now gone. It was pitch black as if the light was being blinked out of existence behind me. Only one foot of light was shining from where I came. Bewildered I decided to move onward. Not like I can go back, I thought to myself.

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