12 years later

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Xavier grinned with satisfaction as he lay the last metal sheet atop the newly built stable, completing the structure. Everyone in the construction team cheered as he turned around and threw his hands up in victory while performing a small little dance. It was a silly thing to do, considering they have been working for weeks to get the stable up and running, but everyone was so relieved that it was done that they didn't care. Xavier slid down the ladder and walked over to his best friend, Aiden, as he began to load up the cart of construction supplies.

"Need a hand?" Xavier asked.

"No thanks, I already have two firmly attached, but if you want you can help me load this crap up" Aiden smirked.

"Ya know, this is why girls don't like you. You have NO sense of humor."

"I dunno, I think I'm pretty funny. Those girls watching us today thought I was pretty funny too" Mat laughed. He was, of course, was referring to the girls who sometimes tagged along from Hateno village to watch the men work on the stable. Xavier didn't exactly understand why they just sat there and watched instead of helping. It would have sped up the process. But the task was over now, and maybe they would help him on the next project.

"Hey Xavier," Aiden stopped to take a breath after they closed the doors to the massive cart. "Me and a couple of the guys are going to the Milk Bar tonight to celebrate. Wanna come along?"

"Nah, I have more work to do" Xavier sighed.

But Aiden persisted. "Oh, come on. You never give yourself any time to just have some fun. I bet Sophie will be there too" he said, nudging Xavier's arm.

Xavier thought a little longer. Seeing Sophie would be the perfect end to a fulfilling and productive day. But despite his personal desire, he couldn't slack off in his duties.

"Sorry man, I can't, Purah needs me there to help me with some experiments, and she needs my notes from my research."

"Fine, suit yourself. But when some other guy tries to ask her out, don't say I didn't try to help you" Aiden laughed as they mounted their horses and began their journey back home.

Xavier could feel his face burning up. He wanted to take Aiden up on his offer, but he couldn't slack off, not when Purah was so close to discovering what lay beneath the strange mound up on Marblod Overlook. Whatever it was, it was Sheikah in origin. They had been working for weeks, even longer than Xavier had been working on the stable, in order to find out what it was or if it could help them in anyway.

Xavier was so lost in thought he almost missed his old home. Every time they journeyed out past the walls of Fort Hateno, he would also pass his old home, Camphor Village. When the Calamity struck, despite the fort holding and the guardians never entering the valley, all the residents of Camphor Village were evacuated to Hateno, just as a precaution. Because of this, the old village was just left to rot, as no one wanted to leave the town to come repair it. However, now that the stable was done and Purah's research almost complete, he was going to have more time for building and was going to bring it up at the next town meeting.

"Hey, Xavier" Aiden called, poking him in the arm. "You alright? You always get really quiet when we pass by here.

"Nah I'm good, let's just get home. You have a celebration to attend."

Finally, after a couple of hours of riding, they made their way through the valley and had reach Hateno Village. The town had grown dramatically in size over the last decade in order to accommodate all the refugees. New land had to be cleared for farming and landstock, had to be more evenly rationed and raised now that they aren't receiving any shipments from any other villages or towns. Everywhere around the walls surrounding Necluda were a mystery, and no one had ever received word on who else had survived the disaster.

Life in the Ruins: A Legend of Zelda storyWhere stories live. Discover now