Raid on the Domain

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The blue tunic the new champions had provided for Mo was much too small for him. However, instead of scrapping it, he turned it into an arm band, similar to Reyna. They had informed him that their destination was Zora's Domain. When he asked about their goal, everyone was extremely vague. Xavier decided it was best not to push the subject for a while, and focused on marching.

Rey lead the team, with Myssa second. Then Xavier, and they had Tank following up the rear. Nukk was soaring overhead, scouting for supplies or enemies. Xavier had no idea how Nukk was able to create a strong enough updraft to get airborne, but it was impressive all the same. They marched through reached the fork in the road where a sign sat, directing them to Goponga Village. Nukk flew back down and rejoined the team.

"No enemies in sight so far. They must be holed up in the dens. As long as we stay quiet, we should be at the domain in an hour or two." Nukk panted, clearly tired from his long day of flight.

"Perfect," Reyna smiled as she grabbed Xavier by the shoulder. "It's time to split up. Tank, Nukk, you know what to do. Once you reach the objective and set everything up, send up a signal flare. That will let us know where good to go."

Tank and Nukk nodded, and the two set off down the road to the right. Myssa, Rey, and Xavier stood there at the crossroads.

"What are they going to do?" Xavier asked. Rey again blew off the question, but instead of going silent, she gave him the answer to another one he had been thinking.

"Don't worry about what they're doing. Instead focus on the mission at hand. Were going to be infiltrating Zora's Domain. They possess an item that could be key to future victories. Were going to sneak in, and take it. That's where you come in Xavier."

Rey began to lead them off to the left. But they soon strayed off the road and marched to the bottom of a giant cliff. "Were going to be scaling this mountain. From there, Myssa and I will be infiltrating from the back of the Domain, while you infiltrate from the side. Myssa and I will complete our objective, and Xavier, you'll obtain the item were searching for. Once everything is done, well send up a flare to Nukk and Tank, and well be good to leave. Sound good?"

"Um... what exactly am I looking for? You keep refusing to share that with me." Xavier complained.

"You'll understand when you see it, I'll explain more once we get to the infiltration locations." Myssa replied. Rey handed Xavier some climbing equipment she had previously stored into her bag, and she began to climb the cliffside. Xavier followed suit, before looking back and realizing how Myssa was going to climb as well. Her fins and slick scales didn't exactly mesh well with rock climbing. In response this, however, Myssa jumped into a small pond, being supplied water from a water wall. She quickly swam up to it and... began to swim up the waterfall?

Xavier didn't think such a thing was possible, but he should have known not to underestimate a Zora in water. After all she had already proven herself to be a master in the water when she pulled him back to shore against the current.

"Pfft, she's such a show off. How much you wanna bet that when we get to the top shell have some snarky comment waiting to share with us?" Rey grumbled.

"Does she do that often?" Xavier asked.

"Enough to make it annoying" Rey replied. "But since she's so much faster, she can scout the area for us for when we reach the top."

The two of them climbed for a good hour, before reaching the top of the cliffside. This cliff had been nothing compared to the time he scaled the Twin Peaks, but nevertheless, he was still winded by the time they reached their goal. Rey didn't fare much better, and the both of them dragged themselves over to the opposite edge to overlook the Domain.

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