The Shadow Pass

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"Sophie?" Xavier exclaimed in disbelief. How was this even possible? Sophie was miles and miles away, and a completely different region, yet he could hear her voice coming from this device as if she was standing right in front of him.

"Xavier, is that really you? What's happening? Are you okay?" Sophie asked, clearly shaken up by what was happening.

"I... I'm fine. And I don't know. Are you at the Sheikah tower on Marblod Overlook?" He questioned.

"Yes. I was up here with Purah trying to unlock more functions, but she went back to her lab to get some extra supplies. We've been here for the past week. How did you manage to contact us?"

"I stole... I mean, I found a Sheikah Slate. I was fiddling with it and somehow, I'm able to talk to you. Sophie, I need you to go get Purah and tell her what happened. I'm going to keep heading towards the Akkala region. I'm almost there. I'm still figuring out this slates functionality, but I'm sure ill be able to reconnect with your tower. This time tomorrow, be back at the tower with Purah. Understand?"

Sophie was silent for a couple moments. "Sophie, you know I can't see you right? So, nodding or shaking your head doesn't help." Xavier chuckled to himself.

"Oh... I'm sorry. Yes, I understand. Sorry Xavier..." she stuttered. "Is everything okay Xavier? Your voice sounds... strained."

Xavier frowned. He hadn't noticed any change, but now that he was listening to himself talk, he could notice his voice sounded more monotone and dead. "No no, i'm okay. Just tired is all. It's been a rough few days. But i'll be fine." He reassured her.

"Okay... if you say so. I'm going to go get Purah now, okay? This time tomorrow we better be hearing from you. No excuses you hear?" Sophie demanded, trying to sound tough, but her voice cracked so many times it was hard not to chuckle.

"Yes maam." Xavier replied. "And Sophie, it was nice talking to you. I... uh... I missed you, and stuff."

Sophie laughed, and said, "Be safe Xavier. I mean it." She was silent again for a few moments, before adding quietly, "I missed you too."

With that, Xavier smiled and looked at his slate. He pressed the red button in the upper right corner and the call was ended. He sighed and went back to the map screen. He could see he was about a three-day march away from Akkala. If he left now, he would make better time. But he soon remembered he had no food, water, or horse to travel. Before he set out, he would need to fix these problems.

The water issue was no problem. He would follow the river as long as he could, making sure to stay as hydrated as possible. The food on the other hand was a bit more difficult. There was no shortage of wild game out here. But catching them would prove problematic. Xavier was no hunter, so his only hope would be to set some traps to catch rabbits, squirrels, and maybe a fox if he was lucky. So he set to work.

By afternoon he had captured 2 squirrels and a rabbit made from taps of sticks and makeshift rope he fashioned from some vines growing nearby. He hooked his slate to his belt, and placed the newly skinned and cooked animals in his satchel to be eaten later. Not having a horse was problematic, but he set out anyway, on foot.

Following his map, he headed north, up the Ternio Trail. The map on his slate had names of almost every path, mountain, hill, and body of water. It was truly incredible, and he couldn't believe Sidon had allowed him to keep such a treasure. Once he settled in for the night, he would have to explore more of its functions. This could prove a vital tool to uncovering the mysteries of the past.

As he headed up the trail, he couldn't help but feel dwarfed by the enormous cliffside to his right. It was hard to believe that just yesterday he had been at the top of them, planning to steal the very slate that had been given to him. Not only did he feel small and insecure next to the enormous size of the cliffs next to him, but the looming threat that Rey, Nukk or Tank might be on his trail never strayed far from his mind.

Life in the Ruins: A Legend of Zelda storyWhere stories live. Discover now