The Sanctuary

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Robbie quickly led Xavier out of the Shadow Pass, but not before stooping down to collect a plethora parts and pieces from the dead guardian. Xavier considered asking what they were for, but at the moment, he just wanted to leave this creepy forest.

They reached the edge of the woods, and the rest of Akkala spread out before them. It was eerily empty. Granted, the orange, yellow, and red trees were breathtakingly beautiful, as he had never seen such an occurrence in Hateno, but now that he was passed the Shadow pass, the number of trees and bushes dropped significantly. Before him were wide sprawling hills and fields. There was a sense of vulnerability that Xavier had not even felt when leaving the mountainous confines of Necluda. The entire experience left Xavier craving for his old home more than ever. He pulled his scarf up around his face and followed closely behind Robbie.

"So," Robbie sighed as they reached the edge of a deep quarry. "Where did you get that slate?"

Xavier was initially taken back by the question. Before he could answer, Robbie grabbed him by the tuff of his shirt and, with one hand, held him out over the edge of the long drop.

"I said, where did you get that damn slate! Tell me now!"

"It... It was given to me!" Xavier shouted, panicked.

"That's a load of Boko Crap! You found the chamber didn't you! How did you get in!?" Robbie's eyes with wide with anger and... fear?

"I swear, it was given to me Prince Sidon of the Zora! He gave it to me as a token of good faith and thanks! Please I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know about any chamber! Please!"

Robbie sat for a moment, pondering Xavier's words. Finally, after several terrifying seconds, he smiled, and slowly brought Xavier back to solid ground. He chuckled awkwardly to himself.

"Uh... Sorry about that. Just a little misunderstanding is all. Anywho, shall we keep going?"

Xavier was baffled, and was hesitant to continue on his way with this man. But even if he wanted to run away, he was sure Robbie would catch up to him in a heartbeat. Despite what had happened, he didn't think Robbie was a serious threat to his life, but he would have to remain more on guard and ever vigilant about what he said and did. Purah was right when she had told him that Robbie was a bit unpredictable.

He picked himself up and continued to follow Robbie deeper into Akkala. After their little situation at the quarry, the rest of the trip was pretty uneventful. In fact, Robbie didn't even really speak or acknowledge Xavier that much the rest of the way. He was always too busy looking out into the distance or writing something in his notebook. Another apparent hobby of his was cleaning and inspecting the materials he had scrapped from the guardian.

The sun began to set, highlighting the vibrant colors of the trees and bushes. Robbie seemed to snap out of his trance looking as some sort of screw, and suddenly got a look of panic across his face.

"Damn is it dusk already? C'mon man we need to move!" Robbie suddenly bolted up and began running up the hill. Xavier had no choice but to follow behind him, and wonder what exactly it was about night that seemed to startle Robbie so much.

After an hour or two of running, just as Xavier thought his lungs could collapse and his legs would give out, they created one of the many, many hills and what lay before Xavier was a sight to behold. Atop a cliff, sat a wooden fort. Made out of numerous logs and tree trunks, the wall of the fort seemed to encircle a small village. And at the very top, by the cliffside, sat a ruined lighthouse, with steam and smoke puffing from the chimney. Xavier could only surmise that this was Robbie's lab, as Purah had an almost identical one back in Hateno.

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