The Dream

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Xavier and Gully took their time heading back to The Sanctuary. Despite missing Sophie terribly, he knew quite well that she was going to chew him out big time. As he thought about what he was going to say to her, the Sanctuary gates came into view. He was relieved they were back to safety and was excited to tell Robbie the good news. But as they got closer, he began to hear shouting and panic. It wasn't until they got even closer and saw the walls lined with bows and crossbows aimed at him and Gully, that he realized they were the source of the panic.

Xavier leaped down off Gully's head and ran forwards, waving his arms high above his head.

"Wait, wait, wait! Don't shoot! It's me! Its Xavier!"

The villagers looked hesitant but maintained their position. It wasn't until he heard Robbie's voice that he began to relax.

 "Is that Xavier? Stand down-, holy Hylia, Xavier what are you doing with that thing get away!"

The sight of Robbie caused Gully to beep angrily, an it moved into a defensive stance. Robbie was no different, instantly grabbing a bow and taking aim, yelling at Xavier to get out of the line of fire.

"Robbie wait! This one is different! He's been reprogrammed. He helped me destroy the Citadel!"

"Destroy the-, Xavier what the hell are you talking about?" Robbie yelled, still not lowering his weapon.

"I found Gully on the beach. You said the monsters kept attacking, so we went to take care of the problem. The Citadel is completely uninhabitable now. The Sanctuary is safe. And it's mostly thanks to Gully!"

"You named that thing Gully?" Robbie asked, lowering his bow just a bit.

"I just told you the Citadel was destroyed, and the threat is gone, and you're worried about what I named my new friend?" Xavier asked in disbelief.

Robbie thought about that. "Yeah that's a good point. Doesn't really seem important in comparison. But still, you can't expect us to just let a Guardian into our village. What if it goes haywire?"

"Gully isn't like that. He's our ally. We can trust him. And you can trust me."

"Alright. You can come in. But I want to inspect that Guardian right away. You need to tell me everything. And if that thing acts up, it's going down!"

"The only reason he'll act out is if he's threatened. So just be nice to him and you'll be fine. C'mon bud, let's head in so Robbie can take a look at you."

Gully beeped nervously but followed him through the now open gates. The villagers gathered around, staring at Gully in disbelief. They were right to be afraid. Guardians had destroyed everything. But Gully was different. Xavier knew that, he just needed the others to know it to.

The duo headed up to the lab where Robbie was waiting for them. He chuckled when he saw Xavier wearing the ancient armor he built.

"I see you not only befriended a Guardian, but you also stole the armor I was working on."

"If it's any consolation, it saved my life and helped my complete my mission. The grappling hooks in the gloves are really handy." Xavier admitted. "Let me fly right over the heads of the monsters attacking us."

"Wait, you're saying you used the hook shot function to fly? I used it as a way to grab objects too far for me to reach. I never imagined using it to help propel myself through the air. That's some smart thinking Xavier. But anyway, do you mind telling me how on earth you managed to befriend this Guardian and take down one of the most heavily defended fortresses in all of Hyrule?"

Life in the Ruins: A Legend of Zelda storyWhere stories live. Discover now