Burnt Remains

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Xavier tied his horse to the post of the now ruined entrance gate and made his way into the ruined village. All around him were burnt out husks of old houses, and the charred remains of shops and inns. The village itself was situated inside a small clearing within the Pillars of Levia. Xavier would have thought that such natural structures would have defended this place against the destruction. But there was clearly no hiding from the Calamity.

As Xavier made his way deeper into the village, he came to a giant waterfall. At the base of it, was a large house built on a rocky pillar, with stairs leading up to it. Out of curiosity, he ascended the stairs and approached the double doors. As he made his way up, he looked down into the water below, what he saw almost gave him a panic attack. Dozens of Guardians were sitting below. It took him a moment to realize they were all deactivated. The several holes in the staircase confirmed his suspicion that the guardians originally meant to walk up the stairs, but due to their weight, many of them plummeted to the watery pit below.

When he neared the actual house, he could see scorch marks and burns along the exterior of the building. No doubt from where the Guardians attempted to blast their way in. He had no idea how this house was able to withstand those energy blasts while the other structures were blasted to bits, but he didn't stop to examine the material of the house to find out. Instead he swung open the door, and what he saw made his morning breakfast spew violently from his mouth.

Littering the interior were dozens and dozens of bodies. Most decomposing and skeletal. Some were missing limbs, while others seemed to be barely recognizable lumps of bones and dried, cracked flesh. Once Xavier ceased his vomiting and steeled himself to walk further in, it became increasingly clear what had transpired. This was a result of starvation. The village residents must have come to this place when the Guardians attacked the village. But once they were inside, they were effectively trapped. Any attempt to leave must have been thwarted by the Guardians protecting the exit, and anyone attempting to flee was blown to pieces. Their safe haven became their tomb as they slowly starved to death. The strange looking lumps of flesh and bone must have been their attempt at... keeping starvation at bay. Xavier grimaced as he sent thoughts of what have must transpired here to the back of his mind.

 Xavier grimaced as he sent thoughts of what have must transpired here to the back of his mind

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Despite all logic and reasoning, he proceeded further into the house. He went upstairs to find several makeshift beds, as well as tons of scattered papers. To his right he saw a small desk with what appeared to be a note resting on it. Xavier snatched the paper up and began to read.

The worst has happened today. Our feared enemy has returned, and we were all caught unaware. I am leaving now to do my best to assist the princess, and anyone who may have survived the attack on Hyrule Castle. I am leaving my home open as a shelter for my people. I pray they stay safe until my return. I hope it's not to late...

Signed: Impa

Xavier put the note back on the table. He didn't know who Impa was, but clearly her plan failed. The people down below must have been the last remaining Sheikah. And if that was true, then that meant Purah and her friend Robbie might be the last two Sheikah left, assuming this Impa didn't make it. Which, given the state of the village and the event that transpired ten years ago, was a safe thing to assume.

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