Crushing Blow

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Rey wasted no time pushing the Sheikah out of the tunnel. Spinning her twin scimitars, she was able to bash away at all three of them, freeing herself up for more attacks and more room. Purah, Robbie, and Cherry attacked the Gerudo all at once, but her speed and agility was something they hadn't anticipated, even from a warrior Gerudo.

Each swing of the sword or strike from a spear was parried expertly and returned with a counter attack twice as strong. Rey began to move so fasts he was almost a blur, taking on all three opponents at once. She was right. Purah and Robbie were expert scientists, and could hold their own against monsters, and maybe even Guardians. But there was no way they'd be able to stand up to the likes of a highly trained Gerudo soldier.

"Purah!" Robbie shouted. "Goron! Door! Now!"

Purah understood and quickly left the fight with Rey, barely dodging a swing from Rey's scimitar. She would have to leave the fight to Robbie and Cherry. Protecting that chamber was their top priority. She hurried down to the tunnel where Tanke was still hammering away, and swung her blade down on the Goron, only to have it bounce harmlessly off her rock hard back. Tanke grunted with surprise, and turned to face his attacker, swinging his hammer down hard, cracking the ground beneath them.

Purah dodged and tried to lure him out of the tunnel and away from the chamber. Her plot worked, and he angrily swing his hammer again and again, cracking the floor, the wall, and anything else he came into contact with. He even smashed the ground so hard that a sizable portion of the stairs leading down the chamber cracked and turned to rubble. Hopefully when Link awoke, he would be able to climb his way out. Otherwise this would all have been for nothing.

Tanke was fast. Absurdly fast for a Goron. Purah was unsure where he got his speed and training from, but after a few failed attempts to pierce his chest with her blade, it became clear he must have done something to harden his skin. She wasn't going to be able to kill him with her blade. Then she got an idea. She remembered the exact layout of the plateau and knew exactly where to lead him. She continued to dodge his strikes and lead him away, passing Robbie and Cherry still fighting viciously against Rey.

All three were battered and bruised. Robbie had a deep cut on his cheek, while Cherry had several cuts and scrapes along her arms and face. Rey fared no better, as she was also bleeding and looked sick. But Purah continued leading Tanke away, rusting that her comrades would be able to take care of themselves.

She led him down the slope that lead to the chamber and hopped down the cliffside into the Forest of Spirits, laughing delightfully, trying to get a rise out of the Goron to ensure he would keep following her. Of course, it worked, and Tanke jumped off the cliff, landing with a loud BANG when he hit the ground, apparently unphased by the height of the jump. Purah dashed through the forest, ducking and weaving through the trees, while Tanke simply smashed them out of the way with his hammer.

 Purah dashed through the forest, ducking and weaving through the trees, while Tanke simply smashed them out of the way with his hammer

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Eventually Purah came to the place she remembered. A small bog of tar. She carefully positioned herself in front of the bog, bracing herself for the next swing. If all went according to plan, he would miss and stumble into the bog. But Purah was taken by surprise as the Goron stopped several meters away from the edge of the vile liquid.

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