The Great Plateau

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"Thanks for coming on such short notice." Purah said after embracing Robbie. "Glad to finally have you around again." She smiled.

"Always good to be back. And besides, this is urgent business" Robbie replied, smiling back. "How do we know the chamber is going to be attacked?"

"Sophie here picked up an automatic distress beacon coming from the plateau which means someone is tampering with the doorway. We need to get there before they manage to get it open. By the way I was wondering, how did you get here so fast?" Purah asked.

"The horses in Akkala are well bred. Cherry here made sure of that awhile ago. She'll be here soon she told me to go ahead and meet up with you. She'll be here in a bit. We need to go ahead and make our way to the chamber and be ready for whatever were about o face. I'm sure it won't be friendly."

They mounted their horses and were about to head out, when they heard a shout from behind them.

"Hey wait for me!!" They both turned to see Sophie riding up to them on her horse. Her hair was tied back, and a bow was slung over her shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going" Purah asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean? I'm coming with you of course!" Sophie replied exasperated. "What else would I be doing?"

"Staying here, safe. Keeping this place on lock down. It's too dangerous for you to come with us. We don't know what well find there." Purah said rather harshly, but Sophie didn't back down.

"All the more reason for me to come with you. Besides I'm a good shot. I wouldn't have to be near the fighting if that's what you're worried about. I could cover you guys from a distance. I'm coming with you, and there isn't really anything you can do to stop me. Believe it or not I'm a grown woman and I'm able to do what I want."

"C'mon Purah let the girl come. She's got spunk." Robbie laughed. Purah just grumbled in response. Robbie gave a slight nod to Sophie and she smiled in return, and the three of them set out of Hateno Village and headed for the Great Plateau.


The trio were passing in between the Twin Peaks when they spoke again.

"Did you hear what was happening at the castle?" Robbie asked as they trotted by the river separating the two peaks

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"Did you hear what was happening at the castle?" Robbie asked as they trotted by the river separating the two peaks.

"No but we felt it. It felt like an earthquake but when I climbed the nearest peak, I could see smoke way off in the distance. Based on what Sophie told me, that must have been Xavier's doing." Purah replied. "I hope he's okay"

"I don't know about that. If that was an explosion and we felt it all the way over here, there's very little chance that anything close to their surviv-"

 "AHEM!" Purah coughed obnoxiously, cutting Robbie off and nudging her head back at Sophie who looked like she was about to vomit.

"I mean... uh, yeah no I think he's okay. He's a smart kid and seems to have a knack for pyrotechnics. The guy took down the whole citadel, so I'm sure the castle was easy work for him. The princess wouldn't have asked for his help if she didn't think he was capable."

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