The Meeting

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Within a half an hour, the entire town was awoken and gathered in the town hall. Most were quiet, as they were still groggy and tired. Some were complaining, saying nothing could be so important that they had to give up a good night's sleep. While others curiously murmured among themselves, intrigued by the sudden panic and urgency. Xavier sat up front and Sophie walked in. She spotted him and gestured with her hands if she could come to sit with him. He had an empty seat next to him, so he nodded his head and she shuffled through the crowd to sit next to him.

"Is everything okay? Mayor Reede said it was urgent." Sophie asked.

"I and Purah found something up at the overlook. Purah will explain in detail when she gets here" Xavier replied.

"Purah and I." She responded.


"You should say Purah and I, not me and Purah."

Xavier looked at her with a blank face. "I just told you we found something important up on the overlook and you're worried about the way I say things?"

"Sorry, grammar is a peeve of mine. Anyway, I noticed that recently you and Purah have been spending a lot of time together." She said as she looked down, pulling her scarf up around her mouth.

"Yeah, I suppose we do," Xavier replied, feeling a bit guilty for some reason. "Does... does that bother you?"

"Well, it's just she's really pretty. And you guys are kind of into the same type of things. Sheikah technology and stuff like that. I just sort of thought that you two..." She trailed off, not finishing her sentence.

"Oh! No no, it's not like that. It's just that we've known each other for a long time. She was a close family friend even before the Calamity. She's like my mentor, and she understands my passion for knowledge and exploration. But that's all. There's nothing between me and her. And besides, she's ten years older than me, so uh, yeah."

Sophie's face relaxed and bit and she pulled her scarf back down. "Oh okay. Well, if that's the case, I was wondering-"

Sophie didn't get to finish her question because, at that moment, Mayor Reede stepped up onto the platform at the head of the room and addressed the town.

"Good evening everyone," His voice boomed throughout the entire room. "I'm sure you are all wondering why we've gathered you here at such a late hour after all our usual meeting isn't for another few weeks." The crowd quietly murmured to themselves, before being shushed by Reede's assistant.

It has been brought to my attention by one of our residents, that some valuable information has been discovered that may alter the course of this towns destiny. Mr. Xavier, I would like to invite you to the stand to share your discovery with the town please."

Reede gestured for Xavier to stand up and come to the podium, but on the inside, Xavier was panicking. This was not the type of thing for him to explain, this was supposed to be Purah's job. He was frozen in his seat. He looked over at Sophie, who was giving him the "its okay, go ahead" look. He took a big gulp, stood up, and walked up to the podium as smoothly as his wobbling legs would allow.

 He didn't have any sort of speech planned out, so he just blurted out the only thing he could think of.

"Me and Pur- I mean Purah and I think we found proof that others survived the Calamity."

The crowd seemed agitated by the news. Several people seemed to tune out and go back to sleep, while others shot up in objection.

"Where's your proof?" One of the townsfolk said.

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