My Bloody Valentine

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You were running.
From him.
You had no advantage over him except that you were a little faster since you landed a neat hit with a shovel to his right leg.

But the mines were his home.
He knew them like the palm of his hands while you were just randomly taking turns, trying not to hit a dead end.
Harry Warden was known to be a devoted miner.
He loved his job.
Only that you weren't chased by Harry Warden.
But by Tom Hanniger.
The former love of your life who had disappeared after the Valentine's day murders.
He came back after 10 years and he didn't seem to have changed a bit.

"Y/N, you know you can't run from me! I know these mines better than you do! I grew up here, I worked here! You don't stand a chance, sweetheart!"

He didn't change except for the fact that he was trying to kill you with a pickaxe right now.

Where is the fucking end of this tunnel?

You've been running down the same tunnel for a couple of minutes now. To your left were a couple boxes and barrels you could hide behind.
The echoing of Tom's steps was coming closer.
You crouched down behind the barrels and held your breath. Between the cracks you saw Tom stop, right in front of you.

"Oh Y/N, you won't believe me when I tell you how much I missed you over the last 10 years! It was unbearable without you!"

He let the pickaxe slide down his hand. He somehow knew you were hiding.

"They diagnosed me with a dissociative personality disorder but personally, I believe I was just heartbroken by the fact of not being with you anymore! I always feared that Harry would come back for you after I left!"

You could detect sadness and sorrow in his voice and all you wanted to do was get out of your hiding spot and hug him and tell him how much you missed him but also hated him for leaving.
You knew that once you gave off one little sound you were dead.

"See Y/N, deputy Martin told me all about how 'Sheriff Palmer' how he likes to call himself now, has been trying to get with you ever since I was gone! But you turned him down every time. Your answer? Because you still loved me and had hope that I would come back! That's real love right there and here I am and you're hiding from me like a child!"

Tears were slowly streaming down your face. He knew what effect his words would have on you.
He dragged the axe across the dirt floor, searching for you.

"I will find you, Y/N and I will show you how much I regret leaving you here with that dick Axel Palmer. He should know better than to make a move on my girl!"

You saw him grin through the cracks and watched him go the direction you planned on going.
Once you couldn't hear his steps and you were sure he was gone you dashed down the direction you came from, looking for a way out of these damn mines.

"I'm impressed Y/N! You're smarter than I thought! I'm surprised that I couldn't hear you breathe? Ain't you scared a bit?"

His voice echoed through the tunnel you came from. You heard smashing of glass and saw the tunnel become darker. He was close.
You took a left and came to a dead end.


You turned around, only to be met with Tom's figure, slightly illuminated by the last light bulb and him blocking your way out of the dead end.

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