"Fight me!"

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I was sneaking through this abandoned house, when I heard some more steps.

It's been a while since I've had an easy salt-and-burn hunt so this was a good way to get me back in the game.

I was holding my shotgun, around my torso a belt, with salt and normal bullets.

I never left for a hunt without enough weapons.

Around my left leg and both of my ankles, I had strapped the knives my father gave me before he passed.
I was downstairs in the kitchen when I heard the stairs creak.
I followed the heavy steps.

He or she was alone.

I was in the entrance hall when I heard a gun being reloaded.

They know I'm here.

I tried to walk up the stairs as quiet as possible.
Once I reached the top, I stopped and listened.
He or she was in one of the rooms to my left.
I moved to the right and walked into a room that seemed to be a bathroom.

In there, I slammed the door as loud as possible.
A gunshot was fired and heavy steps came my way.
Once I heard the person breathe in front of my door, I kicked it in, causing the other guy to trip and land on his back.

He laid there and stared at me.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

He didn't say anything but the scared look on his face turned into a cocky smirk.
Before I knew it, he had kicked the shotgun out of my hands and stood up.

"Don't make me ask again!"
"I didn't quite get what you said earlier, could you say it again?"

His grin grew wider and he pulled back for a knock-out punch, but barely missed my face and punched a hole through the decayed wall.
Me, dodging his punch, confused him and gave me time to land a strong hit to his torso, causing him to stumble backwards.

I grabbed the knife from my thigh before he got back up from the ground.

"You're good, gotta hand it to you!"

"Don't get tired yet, sweetheart! I'm just getting started!"

I took a swing at him but he easily dodged it.
I went in for another and another swing but he dodged every single one until he caught the knife and ripped it out I my hand.

"Someone's unprotected now, huh?"

"I got more where those came from!"

"You're not a big mano-a-mano fan, are you?"

"Not if I can have a knife but if you so desperately want to fight me? Fine! Mano-a-mano!"

I took a step back.
He looked like that type I guy that just goes in for punch after punch until he wins.

I was right.

He came right at me, going for the right side of my face but I deflected his punch and landed 3 consecutive hits to his torso.
Same place as before.
He groaned and took a step back.

"Come on, you son of a bitch! Fight me!"

He had his head down and his hands on his knees.

"4 hits to your stomach and you're out? That's what I call a we-"

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