Out in the woods

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"Angie? What's going on? Why are you whispering?"

Dean walked into the library where Sam was sitting at the table with his laptop, doing research.

"Stop yelling you freaking idiot! I swear if they find me because of you I'll come back and haunt your ass!"
"Wait what? Who?"
"I'm on a hunt, Dean! I was following this werewolf back to their lair and I thought he was alone but apparently he was on his way home to the pack and now I have 7 werewolves hunting me!"

Dean had put her on speaker so Sam could hear her.

"I told you, it's a local hunt! I'm somewhere in the woods of Lebanon, Kansas!"
"We'll come and get you!
"Try not to die!"
"Not funny, Sam! Dean don't hang up, please!"
"But what if they hear me?"
"Doesn't matter! I can see them!"

Silence came from the other line.
The only thing they could hear was Angie's steady breath and several pairs of feet coming closer.
After a few minutes the steps had faded away.
Dean had left to pack everything silver into a bag.

"I think they're gone! I can't see them anymore. Should I make a run for it?"
"No, stay where you are they could smell you!"
"Please hurry up! I don't think I can take 7 werewolves!"
"I got everything, Sam! Let's go!"
"We're on our way, Angie! Stay on the line!"
"My car is on the side of the road!"

Sam and Dean got into the impala and drove off towards the street going through the forest.

The guys had parked next to her car and went into the woods.
Angie was still on the phone but was forced to move out of her hiding place.

"Guys I think I can see the cemetery from where I'm at right now!"
"That's good! Sam you go back and drive to the cemetery and I'll go this way. Maybe I'll find some of those sons of bitches!"
"Just go to the cemetery, Angie! I'll pick you up there!"

Sam made his way back to the car and Dean kept moving between fallen trees and larger bushes.
He listened to Angie's steps through the leaves over the phone.
Suddenly he heard something behind him.
With his gun up and the flashlight pointing to where the noise came from he searched for the cause of the sound.
There were scratches on the trunk of a tree, leading up into the leaves.
A shot rang and a body fell out of the tree.

"Dean, what the hell are you doing?"
"One down, six more to go!"
"Wait they know you're here? That means they know where I am, too! I gotta make it to the cemetery!"
"Angie if you run they'll hear you!"
"They can probably see me right now! They're just waiting for either you or Sam to find me so they can kill me in front of you!"
"Calm down, Angie! I'll find you before they do, I promise!"
"What If Sam's at the cemetery waiting for me and they kill him first?"

That thought made Dean shiver. He had to find her before the wolves did.

"Go to the cemetery, Angie! But don't run!"
"I'll see you there?"
"I'll be waiting!"

He listened to her walking but there was a strange rhythm to her steps.

"Angie there is someone else behind you!"
"Screw it, Dean! I gotta run!"

With that she started running.
So did they.

"Dean, they're behind me."
"They're chasing you to the cemetery!"
"I can't go anywhere else. There are two on my left, two on my right and the last two behind me. There's only one way I can go!"
"Damn it!"

He started running.
If Sam was waiting at the cemetery and Dean was coming out of the woods they could trap them there.

"I'm here! They stopped following me."
"Where are you?"
"Sitting behind Jennifer Stone's gravestone."
"Come on, girlie! Let's do this like nature wants us to! We're the prey, you're the hunter! Do what you were born and raised to do!"

Dean could hear the werewolf's voice echoing through the graveyard.
He was silently praying that Sam was already there.

"Dean, I can see one of them. I could shoot him from here but then they would know where I am."
"Do it! But don't miss!"
"I never miss!"

He could practically hear her smirk.
He heard the shot over the phone and from his position.
He was close.
The trees started to become less and he could see gravestones on an open field.
The cemetery.

Meanwhile, Sam had sneaked up on Angie and was kneeling behind the grave next to hers. There were still 5 werewolves sneaking around the cemetery, searching for you.

"Is Dean still on the phone?"
"Yes! Here!"
"Sam? Please tell me you're with Angie right now?"
"Yeah, I found her! Dean, hurry up! We can't play the sniper forever! They're going to find us at one point!"
"I'm almost there!"
"Angie, we know you're not alone anymore! We can smell your little friend. Why don't you just come out? You're outnumbered anyways!"
"Angie, don't even think about it!"
"But if I'd play bait, you could kill them from behind!"
"That's way too dangerous! No!"
"Sorry, Sam, but we're gonna do it my way!"

She stood up and walked towards the middle isle.
Her gun up and loaded.
She could see Dean come out of the woods, turning his flashlight off, since the cemetery was illuminated by the moonlight.

"You shouldn't have killed him, you know? Because now we have to kill you! Before you had the chance to join us but now?"
"Just shut up already!"

She shot him right between the eyes.
He dropped to the ground and now they were down to four.

"So it's 4 against 3 now. That doesn't seem fair to me. One of you has to go!"
"I only see you! Yes, your friend is hiding somewhere but that's still just 2, unless your ego counts as one?"
"You shouldn't have said that!"
"Because he's pissed now."
"The guy behind you!"

They all turned around only to be met with Dean's silver bullets.
One after one fell to the ground.
Angie was a little tense, since she didn't think that this would work.

"Dumbass werewolves! Should know better than to hunt in my territory!"
"Dean you're no wolf! Stop talking like one."
"Gotta protect the pack, right?"

Sam joined them and the three of them walked to the car at the entrance of the graveyard.
Back at the bunker everyone immediately went to their rooms to regain some strength that had been used today.
It's been a long day.

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