Back in the game?

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You've known the Winchesters for a long time.
You were very good friends and used to hunt together.
That was until you met your boyfriend.
It was that cliche love-at-first-sight meeting and you dropped out of hunting for him.
Dean and Sam understood that you had to take the chance to get out while you still can and let you go.
You still kept in touch with Dean but not as much as then.

You sat on the couch when your boyfriend came home from work in the afternoon.


"Living room!"

He stood in the door frame and looked at you. You could smell the alcohol from where you were sitting.
He sat down next to you and started kissing your neck.

"You. Me. Bedroom. Now!"

"Jake, you're drunk and it's 4 in the afternoon. No!"

You tried to ignore him but his hand slid up your shirt.
Slapping it away, you stood up.

"I said no!"

"I don't care!"

He followed you into the kitchen and grabbed your wrist, pulling you back into him.
He roughly kissed you and backed you up to the counter.

"Jake stop! Just go sleep it off and I'll get something to eat."

"How about you take your shirt off and I'll take it from there?"

"No! Get away from me!"

You tried getting your wrist out of his grip, only making it tighter.
Giving him a backhanded slap with your free hand, he finally let go of you.
You grabbed your coat from the chair and almost ran out.

"You'll regret that tonight!"

You heard him yell after you but we're already out the door.
This wasn't the first time he came home drunk.
In the last few months, he'd come home drunk, try to get it done with you and go out to drink some more.

If he was sober, he was the sweetest guy ever.
He'd apologize for his recent behavior, explaining it with stress with work and his family.
The next day he would be drunk again.
It has happened that he hit you when he was drunk.
Other than forcing himself on to you, he never laid a hand on you until the last two weeks.

Outside, you aimlessly walked around until you reached the diner downtown.
You went inside, taking your usual place in the back.
One of your friends, Michelle, came over and sat down in front of you.

"Girl, I haven't seen you in weeks! Where have you been?"

"Oh you know! Work, Jake, working out!"

"Right! How's it going with Loverboy?"

You never told any of your friends about your abusive relationship.
You always put on a smile if you went out together or talked about him.

"Good! Pretty good actually!"

"David said, he started drinking more?"

"Not more than I do!"

You winked and smiled while she stood up, laughing.

"The usual?"

"You know me!"

She went back to the counter, shaking her head.
You sat in your booth and waited when your phone rang.
Afraid that it would be your boyfriend, you picked it up with shaky hands.
It was an unknown number.


"Y/n? It's Dean, remember me?"

"Dean! Haven't heard from you in a while!"

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