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Brooklyn, New York City

This has been the second freakish murder this week.
This time in the back room of a little shop.
The owner called, saying that six of her staff members have been brutally murdered.

When you arrived on the scene, Gina Martin the owner, rushed at you, pulling you inside.
She was crying and breathing heavily while she dragged you in her store.

"Thank you so much, detective! I just didn't know what to do!"

"Calm down, Mrs. Martin. Tell me what exactly happened!"

You followed her past various shelves and into the back room.
Shocked by the sight in front of you, you almost dropped your gun.
Six bodies, piled up, blood covering the walls.
There was a large hole where their hearts used to be.

"Mrs. Martin, follow me outside please!"

You were on the verge of throwing up but you had to get your act together.
You packed the gun away and went outside.
After, calling for Back-up, the coroner and the ambulance, your secondary Jake stood next to you.

"Hey, I just got a call! FBI's coming down to have a look at this."

Your partner sounded very excited that the federal government would take the case from your hands.

"Great! I'm tired of dealing with maniacs, stealing hearts!"

"You're one to talk! How does one enjoy homicide investigation?"

"It's the thrill, Jake! Gets me higher than the drug bust you had last week!"

"Why did I say yes to being your secondary?"

"You love me!"

He shook his head and left you, waiting in the parking lot for the FBI agents.

How does one enjoy homicide investigation?

After the murder of your parents, all you wanted was, to find out who did it.
That's how you got into the 99.
An old family friend was captain and squeezed you in after you finished your training.
Suddenly you heard a roaring engine and saw a sleek black car, pull up in the parking lot.
You looked at Jake, who immediately came over.

"Is that...?" Jake stammered.

"I think it is."

"And if it is them?"

"Case closed, I guess!" You shrugged your shoulders.

Jake left back to the witnesses while two tall men in suits came closer to you.
One of them was taller and had longer hair and wore a black suit while the other one wore a dark blue one and had short light brown hair.
They stopped in front of you and pulled out their badges.

"Hi, I'm Agent Abott. This is my partner, Agent Costello."

The tall one started but stopped as soon as he saw you, roll your eyes.

"Are we annoying you already?" The short one asked.

"No, you're not. But you two ain't no FBI!"

Your comment earned you confused looks from both of them.

"You're Sam and Dean Winchester. You hunt monsters and you both have a rap sheet as long as that car, you drive and I'd lock you up and throw away the key if it weren't for those six half-eaten bodies, whose hearts are missing, in the back room of this shop. Want me to show you?"

They looked at you in utter confusion and their mouths open. You turned around and walked back inside.

"You just gonna stand there and look pretty or take a look at the bodies?"

They followed you through the shop and you stood aside, letting them close in on the bodies. 
Both were hesitant. 
Seemed like the first time a cop knew them from her colleagues. 

"I'm not going to arrest either of you, don't worry! I'm done with psychos, munching on people's guts."

"Excuse me but how do you know us?"

Letting out a dry laugh, their confused faces remained. 
You've had friends in other precincts around the states and all of them told you about those two FBI agents in a black Chevy who roll into town and days later the cases would be solved. 

"Guys, the 99 isn't the only precinct that knows about the infamous Winchesters. You guys kill monsters! Of course we remember your names or faces."

The shorter one, known as Dean, came back from the bodies and crossed his arms. 
He could be quite intimidating if he wanted to. The other one, Sam, seemed more friendly. 

"Well, if you know us so well, its better if you just let us do our thing and we'll be off your back in a few days!"

"Yeah right! This is still my case, I'm going to help you!"

They looked at each other with smug faces, indicating that you weren't going to handle their business. 
You rolled your eyes and pulled out the handcuffs from the back of your belt. 
Dean started to say something but you interrupted him. 

"Deal with me or go to jail?"

"She's good! What do you think, Sammy? Let the cop join the hunt?"

"Why not? She knew the risks."

Sam went back to their car and got in on the passenger side. 
You turned to go and tell Jake that you'll be taking this case with the FBI but a hand on your shoulder stopped you. 

"What do you say, if you and I go for a couple drinks, once we're done here?"

You tried holding back a giggle but failed, causing his confused look to return

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You tried holding back a giggle but failed, causing his confused look to return. 

"And here I thought you'd take business more serious."

"Oh, I am! I'm just thinking about a reward for killing that son of a bitch!"

"Reward? Let me tell you something, Winchester! I'm not that easy to get. You have to show me what you got, if you want those drinks with me!"

Flashing a smile, you went back to your car and drove back to the precinct. 
The Impala close behind you. 
Jake sat next to you, eyeing you suspiciously. 

"That Agent looked eager to work with you?"

"It's just business, Peralta. Nothing else."

Smirking while looking onto the road, you were looking forward to those drinks. 

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