Sisters bonds

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It was dark outside. 
The girl was running for her life, Sam Winchester behind her. 
She managed to get some distance to him by running in curves. 

"We both know you will never catch me! Your legs may be longer but I'm an athlete!"

She yelled over her shoulder, laughing while Sam was still trying to catch up to her. 

"Save the trash talk for when you're out of my sight!"

"Challenge accepted!"

With that, she broke into a sprint and Sam gave up, trying to catch up to her after a couple feet. 
She kept running through those woods until she was sure, she had lost him. 
She stopped, when she reached a clearing 


She sat down on the ground and took some deep breaths. 
That was until a gun was reloaded behind her. 
She turned around and jumped up, taking a few steps back. 

"Tell me where your sister is so I don't have to pull this trigger on you!"

"What? I don't have a sister!"

"So Angie Kenton is not your sister?"

The girl awkwardly smiled and took another step back. 

"Look, I don't know you and I don't know anything about Angie either! Killing me would be a waste of bullets!"

"Does the name 'Dean Winchester' ring a bell?"

She tilted her head to the side, thinking. 

"You're her ex-boyfriend, aren't you?"

"Not officially but she tried to kill my brother and me. That's another way of saying 'I'm breaking up with you' right?"

"Even if I knew where she was, I probably wouldn't tell you!"

"How old are you?"


Dean stuffed he gun into the back of his jeans. 

"You still got your entire life before you! Angie doesn't. Don't be like your sister and go down that path!"

"Wow, Dean! Sam wasn't lying when he said that you're not good with kids!"

Suddenly, Angie appeared behind Dean, holding a knife. 
Dean reached for his gun again and turned around. 

"Angie, please! You know we can cure demons, we can help you!"

"I don't want your friggin' help, Dean! Without the Mark of Cain, I was weak! This thing is opening doors for me that have been closed my entire life!"

"It's turning you into something you used to hunt down!"

"And what would that be?"

"A monster!"

The only thing that could be heard on the field, were the chirping crickets and the wind going through the leaves. 
Angie sighed and fumbled around with the knife she was holding. 

"Are you jealous?"

"Of what?"

"That I have the upper hand for the first time ever? The mark of Cain is the best thing that ever happened to me! You don't have to leave me behind on a hunt anymore, Dean! I'm the most powerful thing that's out there!"

"But at what cost? You don't have to be a demon to feel independent!"

"Apparently, I do!

Dean sighed. Out of his inner pocket he grabbed the demonic handcuffs. Angie started to laugh. 

"Dean, please! You don't actually think that I'll go with you, do you?"

"I'm not giving you a choice here!"

"So.. It's an order?"

"Something along the lines!"

"Well Dean, I thought you knew? I don't follow orders."

There was a pause before she continued to speak. 
She rolled her head and cracked her knuckles. 

"I give them!"

Dean sighed before taking a step towards her. 
He stopped though before he could do anything, due to being hit in the back of his head with a rock by Angie's sister. 
He blacked out and dropped to the ground.

"You are my little sister after all!"

"Listen, I don't know what you are and I probably don't even want to. But I'm not going to let some Jeffrey Dahmer impersonator kill you!"

"And I'm grateful for that! Take care, don't get killed!"

Angie turned around and fixed to disappear into the woods when her sister started following her. 

"Where do you think you're going?"


"So you're just leaving me alone again?"

"You heard the guy! I'm dangerous! People want me dead! It's safer for you if I stay away from you and the rest of our family!"

"But if you are so strong and dangerous, why can't you protect me?"

"Because I'd end up hurting you!"

She yelled, turning back around and walking into the woods. Leaving her sister standing in the field. 

"If you go now, don't bother coming back!"

Angie stopped in her path but didn't turn around. Tears started to dwell in her sister's eyes and her voice cracked. 

"I don't plan on coming back!"

With that, she disappeared. 

All that was left on that field, was a knocked out Dean Winchester and a broken, little girl with a broken heart. 

Sam had finally found the field and immediately ran to his brother to check on him. 

Luckily, he was just unconscious. 

Sam then checked on the girl he had been chasing through these woods, who was now sitting in the grass, crying. 

"Are you ok?"

"Do I look ok?"

"Definitely Angie's sister. What happened? Where is she?"

"She left! She ditched me and disappeared!"

She yelled at the younger Winchester. 

"Amy, right? Listen, we can help Angie! We know how to cure her, we just have to find her and we might need your help at that!"

"You could turn her back to normal?"

"We did it once before with my brother! It's not that difficult."

Sam watched her wipe her tears away and helped her up. He then picked up Dean and put his arm around his shoulder. 

"So you're coming with us?"

"If I can help?"

She took Dean's other arm and together, they dragged him back to where the car stood. 

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