Hell's Angels #2

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It wasn't a smart idea to go by yourself.
You walked into the store and immediately knocked out.
You woke up, tied to a pipe. In front of you, an elderly man in a suit.

"Alastair. I was hoping I wouldn't see you again!"
"You don't escape hell, Angie. Especially you! Not under my watch."
"Especially me? Why is that?"

A demon came in, pushing a cart. You knew what was coming now.

"Come on, Al! I thought we put that behind us?"
"I'm a demon, Angie. I don't put  torturing people behind. Also, it's more fun with you! Dean gave up after 30 years but you? 70 years is what I call determination!"

He smirked, grabbing a knife from the cart. You hissed, when he dragged it across your collarbone.
You didn't mind the blood streaming down because you were still thinking about what Alastair said.
Dean gave up after 30? He didn't go to hell, did he?

"What did you mean with Dean giving up after 30 years?"
"He didn't tell you? Dean was my student before you. He sold his soul for little Sammy and then landed in my department!"
"Come again?"

You were completely confused.
You weren't the best of friends but you were pretty close and worked well together.
You actually had no reason to be pissed but you somehow still were.
Why would he keep that from you?

"Don't go all jealous girlfriend on me now, Angie! I know you better than you think I do!"
"How did he get out?"
"Why do you need to know? I'm kind of in the middle of something here? Can we postpone it?"
"Tell me!"

You were extremely angry and Alastair saw it.

"You probably met Castiel? The angel? He pulled him out. It's sad, though. Dean definitely had a knack for torturing souls! Not to throw bad lighting on you but he was better!"

You were breathing heavily. It bothered the hell out of you that he didn't trust you enough to tell you.
You were so deep in your mind, you didn't even realize the cut Alastair left on your shoulder.
You first felt it when he poured some salt in it.
It burned like hell but you kept on a neutral expression.

"What do you want from me?"
"Remind you of old times and wait for Dean and Sam to save you?"
"Dean and I have some unfinished business."

Dean told you about the angel. You also met her on a hunt. She accidentally tried to kill you.
She also told you about the little fling between her and Dean.

"I'm starting to like you, Angie! You're giving me more and more reasons to hurt you!"
"You want me to call them so you can finish your unfinished business with Dean?"
"Already did that!"

He plunged the knife into your other shoulder when he said that.
You bit your lip to stop yourself from screaming.

"You know where she is?"
"You'll have to cut it out of me, if you want to know!"
"With pleasure!"

Dean's POV

"Sam, come on! We both know that that was no prank call from Angie!"
"Yeah but why would he go after her?"

Sam and I just got back to the motel room when Angie called.
I was confused and pissed when Alastair picked up.

"Call her again? Maybe she picks up this time?"

I've been thinking about Angie the entire day.
Who was the other angel and where did she know her from?
I dialed her number and a male voice came from the other end of the line.

"Dean, this is no prank call! It's really me!"
"Why do you have Angie's phone?"
"Damn it Dean! You weren't so oblivious when you were in hell!"
"What do you want from her?"
"I wanted to use her as bait for you two but now that I found out that she knows where our red-headed angel is, I don't really need you anymore!"

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