Sacrifices and broken hearts

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Hanging off the ceiling, you're arms were numb of being in this position too long. Sam and Dean next to you, dealing with the same problems.
In front of you, Lucifer standing next to a chair.
In that chair, a hooded figure, tied up and obviously beaten.

"Angie, I'll ask you this once.
Where is my son?"
"You don't even know his name? Why do you even bother?"

You've been taking care of Jack ever since you met him. You felt bad for him. On the one hand, Lucifer was his father but on the other hand he lost his mother so he needed someone to be there for him.

"I am his father, I deserve to know where you freaks are keeping my son!"
"The only thing you deserve is a headshot!"

With that he pulled the hood of the person in the chair and all air left your body.
In the chair, your brother, Danny.

"Tell me where he is or I'll rip his heart out!"

You hung there, panting.
You haven't seen your brother for a year and therefore assumed that he was dead. You still had a very tight brother-sister bond, no matter how long you didn't see each other.

"Angie, don't!"
"Danny, I'm not going to let him kill you!"
"Better than him, finding Jack!"

You were stressed by the choice.
Either your brother dies, or Lucifer starts apocalypse 2.0 with Jack by his side.
It was selfish but you couldn't sacrifice your brother.

"Angie, chose the lesser evil, please!"

He already accepted that he was going to get killed but you didn't.
Sam and Dean just kept quiet. They knew that they couldn't make the decision any easier for you.

"Danny, I-"
"Decide or I'll kill him anyway!"

You thought about giving him a false location and therefore saving your brother.

"Fine, I'll tell you!"

You were ashamed of yourself for being so weak.
Your self-loathing process was interrupted by the sight of a hand, going through Danny's torso, holding a heart. A gaping hole in the middle of his chest.
That's when the world around you stopped
You were paralyzed. And screaming.
You tried to get out of your restraints but it was useless. You pulled and pulled until you heard something snap.
Your bones.
Sam and Dean stood next to you, shocked and angry.
You ignored the stream of tears going down your face and kept your eyes on the lifeless body of your brother.
Lucifer came up to you and grabbed your jaw.

"Next time, you give me what I want, when I want it!"

He snapped his fingers and disappeared. As did the cuffs.
You immediately dropped next to your brother's body and put his head in your lap.

"Danny? Danny, you have to open your eyes! Come on, Danny! I know you can hear me!"
"I'll fix this, Danny! Like I always do, when you get hurt!"
"What, Dean?"

You yelled at him. Tears uncontrollably streaming down your face.
He sat next to you and hugged you.
You wanted to stay like this forever.

"He can't be dead, Dean! He's all I have!"
"I'm sorry, Angie!"

The next things happened in a blur. Dean carried you to the impala and put you in the backseat while Sam prepared everything to burn the body.
You sat in the car, watching Dean and Sam light the pile of wood, carrying your brother's corpse, on fire.
After what felt like days, you arrived at the bunker.
You got out and immediately walked into the bunker and to your room.
Inside you sat down at your desk and got out a sticky note.

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