Freaky Friday

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You sat behind the steering wheel of the Impala. Sam and Dean both asleep in the back.
You were on your way back to the bunker after a witch-hunt in Colfax, Iowa.

You guys broke into her house and attempted to kill her. You were looking downstairs, while Sam and Dean took the upper floor. It wasn't until you heard gunshots being fired and two loud thuds that you sprinted upstairs.

When you found them, they seemed normal until they started talking.
The witch managed to cast a spell on them before they could kill her.
She made them switch bodies.
After the initial shock you managed to put them both in the backseat and started driving.

Back at the bunker, it was quiet.
Neither of them wanted to talk.
You had to admit, it was weird to hear Dean's voice coming out of Sam's mouth and the other way round.

The three of you sat around the table in the library, slumped over books or a laptop, trying to find a way to reverse the spell.

"Maybe we should call Rowena."

You had to bite your lip when 'Sam' spoke up. Sam's voice coming out of Dean's mouth sounded hilarious.
He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Dean, what's your opinion on this? Should we call her or not?"

You could barely contain your laugh and you watched Sam roll his eyes.

"You're having way too much fun with this!"

You took a sip of your beer and spat it out again, laughing loudly.

They both looked at you, laughing like a child.

"Are you done?"

'Dean' asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Could you say that again? I couldn't quite hear you!"

You really couldn't stop laughing.
He rolled his eyes and pulled you up and dragged you into the hallway.
There he cornered you between himself and the wall.

"Dean, what are you doing?"

You were still giggling.

"Making you shut up!"

He leaned in but you stopped him, putting your hands on his chest.

"No, no, no, no,no! Not like this, you're not!"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not gonna make out with your brother, Dean! Wether you're stuck in his body or not!"

"Oh, come on!"

He threw his hands up and groaned.

"You ever imagined what being with Sam would be like?"

"Well, yes! But-

"Hold, up what?!"

He had a completely shocked look on his face.

"Hey, you asked!"

"Yeah, but that's not something I wanna know!"

"What did you want me to say? 'Do you really wanna know?' You asked and I gave you an answer."

"You really have no filter, do you?"

"Not that I know of."

You giggled and he leaned in again.

You ducked out under him and went into the kitchen.

"Also, Sam is way too tall for me."

In the kitchen Dean stood in front of the fridge.

"Found something?"

You said while hopping on the counter. Sam gave you a beer but didn't say anything.

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