Hell's Angels #1

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It's been a while since you've met the Winchesters.
You met them on a hunt where you pretty much saved their ass from being killed by a ghost.
You were hunting alone and they offered you to join them. Ever since you lost contact to your family you've been alone.
They kicked you out after your sister almost died.
Almost, because you gave away your soul. They gave you 2 years and you threw yourself into work in these two years.
The day came and you were brutally dragged to hell.
You spent 90 years in hell, which equals to 9 months on top. After 70, you gave up.
Alastair had been making you the offer to start torturing souls if you wanted it to stop.

20 years of torturing poor, innocent souls until they practically wasted away.
One day, you woke up in a dark place.
It was made of wood and there was some dirt around you.
You've been buried by god knows who.
You climbed your way out of your grave and there you met Hannah.
An angel.
She said she was the one who 'raised you out of perdition'.
That was last year.

Ever since that day, you did nothing but hunt in attempt to forget the past 9 months.
That was how you met the Winchesters.
You've just arrived in Aberdeen, Washington and checked into a motel room.
2 beds and a rather small couch.

"I'll take the couch!"
"Angie, don't be ridiculous! You drove all the way here from Miami. You're taking the bed!"
"Sam, I'm the only person that fits on that couch. I'll take it!"

You threw yourself on it and closed your eyes.
This was going to be a long night since the couch was as hard as a rock.

The next morning you woke up to the smell of coffee and Sam and Dean sitting at the table in their suits.

"I smell coffee!"
"Goddamn junkie!"
"Can't blame a girl for wanting stay caffeinated."

You were still in your sweatpants and top when you took the coffee from Dean's hand.
Sam was reading something on his laptop while you took one of the donuts, Dean had gotten for breakfast.

"So, what do we got?"
"Victim was found with throat slit and missing heart."
"Witch? Or werewolf?"
"Why the slit throat, though?"
"Maybe the killer had some spare time?"

You chuckled while you took your stuff and disappeared in the bathroom.
You came out while they were packing everything up.
You had your dyed grey hair up in a bun and wore a tight skirt with a white blouse and blazer.

"Agents? We ready to go?"

You already had everything packed and went outside.
Once you arrived at the victim's house you checked yourself in the rear mirror again.

"You look fine! Let's just get this over with!"
"What's crawled up your ass today, Dean?" 

You got out, smilingly and walked towards one of the officers.

"Special Agent Turner, these are my partners, Agent Paige and Agent Dunn. Mind filling me in, officer?"

You had perfected your questioning method over the past few years.
You avoided asking the typical hunter questions about cold spots or strange smells and just asked to take a look around.

"Abraham Seager, mid 50s, was found at 1AM with his throat slit and heart missing."
"Tell me something, I don't already know."
"His wife, Janet Seager, said she saw the attacker. Short guy, black hair and a trench coat."
"Anything else?"
"Nothing yet, Agent."
"Thank you."

The three of you walked into the the house to take a look at the crime scene.
You walked into the living room where Mrs. Seager was being questioned by one of the cops.
There was blood everywhere and the body was covered.

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