▪The Beginning▪

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I took out a small bottle made out of Gronckle glass that was labeled NFS. Then I walked towards her.

"What is that?"

"It's Night Fury Saliva. Do you remember it's healing properties?"


I slowly poured a little bit on her cut and she winced slightly. Then I took a cloth and wrapped it around her knee, rewrapped her leggings and put her boot back on.

"There you go." I whispered.

"Thanks." She whispered back.

We mad eye contact, our faces only being a few inches apart.

"Erm, maybe we should start going?" I asked, akwardly.

I quickly got up, put my helmet on, and jumped on Toothless. We patrolled the island and came back to the cave.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, I'm all packed up!" She replied.

Before long we were back in the air. It was silent for most of the flight, until Astrid spoke up.

"What was it like?" she asked.

"What was what like?"

"What was it like being away from Berk and knowing that everyone thinks you are dead?"

I took a long deep sigh, "It's like your a walking ghost, you know? It's like being there, without being seen. Your invisible to the people you thought would recognize you the most. It's......hard."

"You say that like it's still happening." she said.

"That's because it is...." I said laughing nervously.

"You're not going back to Berk?" she asked, about to get agitated.

"How can I? You saw all the responsibilities I have waiting for me when I get back home." I said.

"Home." she said, deep in thought.

I sighed, "Astrid, that's my home that island and everything on it has been there for me longer than anything on Berk ever has."

"So you're not even going to tell anyone that you're alive?"

"No. As far as everybody knows, I'm dead and will always be dead." I answered, harshly.

"You don't sound like the Hiccup I knew." Astrid sounded hurt.

"That's because I'm not. There is no more Hiccup. He's dead!"

"Then what am I doing here? Following a dead viking riding his dragon to go meet his dragon loving friends?"

"Astrid, that's not what I meant..." I said, sighing deeply.

"What did you mean Hiccup?!" She asked.

"I meant that anyone else can not know that I'm alive. If one single person finds out, the news will spread across the Archipelago like a plague. I need to stay in the shadows for as long as it takes."

"I just got you back and I can't even acknowledge that's you, it's actually you." She exclaims.

"I know Astrid. I am so sorry to put you through this, but this is how my life is and will always be. I'm never going to be just one person and I'm never going to be in just one place."

"Wait, what do you mean? 'I'm never going to be in just one place'" a confused look came across her face.

"I can only stay in one place for so long. People are going to start tracking me down. I'm leaving for a few years." Don't get me wrong, there were quite a few dramatic pauses in there.

"What?!" She axclaims, "Hiccup, you have dragons on that island. If anyone tracks you, they are going to be in for a suprise."

"The dragons don't know how to patrol, take prisoners, or warn me when something is going on. Besides, I don't want the dragons to get tired and not be able to go on raids. Also, if any of them get hurt, I don't have enough resources myself to heal them. "

"Ok, but what if we teach them some areal combat moves, warning sounds, how to patrol, ways to take prisoners, and once we get further into the training Heather and I can go back to Berk and gather up supplies for you. " She says, deep in thought then looking at me for approval.

"The training isn't much of a bad idea, but I can't depend on Berk for all the supplies I need and I would need some people to help me run and take care of the island.  I need to raid another island."I explained.

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