Chapter 3

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"Tay, Taylor, wake up honey," I hear my moms voice. I roll over and see her looking down at me smiling. "Toady's the day," she says. And I laugh. I get out of bed and jump in the shower I let the warm water wash over me and I breathe in a sigh of relief. I get out and put on a black shrit with shorts and my combat boots. I walk out into the kitchen where I hear mom cooking and dad and Toby laughing and talking, I just stand in the hallway taking in all the sounds and smells and charish it. Because after today it will be different and never like this again. I finally decided to walk out into the kitchen and my mom is facing towards the stove and my dad and brother are at the table laughing. I take in the sight and smile. 

"Hey nice of you to finally join us," says my dad. I just laugh and sit down at the table mom places a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me.

"Thanks mom," I tell her she leans over and kisses me on the head.

"So are you nervous?" my mom asks I just sigh and frown.

"Should I be," I ask. She just laughs and sighs.

"No", she says,"Just know you guys can tell me and your dad anything." Me and Toby nod then finish eating. When were done we get up to leave. My mom hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. Then my dad hugs me and says "Be Brave" and I tell him "Always". Then Toby grabs my arm and pulls me towards the door and I give one last small smile to my parents and then we step out the door towards the battle that is life.


 I walk into the aptitude test room and look around its full of mirrors I look over and see a chair then I I see a woman beside it and I reconizge her. Its Tori.  "Tori?' I say. She looks at me and smiles and comes up to hug me. 

"Hey I was hoping I would get you," she says, "Take a seat. You'll be offered a series of choices to show which faction will be best for you. about 95% of the time kids get the faction of there orign and well no doubt about you." I laugh nervously and sit down on the chair. She hands me glass with blue liqud in it I give her a questionable look. "Bottoms up," she says. I drink the liquid and fade away. 

I wake up in the test room but Tori's gone and there's no computer or anything around I get up and go and look at my reflection. And think of Conner I don't get what he sees in me. "Choose," I turn to see me standing next to a a table with cheese and a knife. "What will I do with them?" I ask. "Just Choose before its to late." the other me says. I reach out to grab her hand but she and the items disappears. Then I hear a growl and I turn around to see a dog that's going to attack me I put my hands in front of me and the dog lunges it move and it barley misses me. I look at the dog and try to calm down then I remember this is a test and I won't get hurt. This isn't real. I tell me self it starts to run at me again I just close my eyes and drop to the floor with my hands on my head. I wait for the blow of the dogs teeth but it never comes I look up and see the dog has turned into a puppy. I smile and laugh. Wow that was easy. Then I hear a giggle and look across the room and see a little girl. But it isn't any girl it was me when I was 10. The dog notices her and gose after her. I jump up and run. I'm chasing the dog but I know I can't catch it. So I jump on top of it and everything goes black. 


I gasp awake and feel Tori's hand on my shoulder. I look to her and see shes typing furiously on the computer.  When shes done she looks at me and grabs my hand yanking me out of the chair. "Taylor go home and tell your parents you were sick," she says pushing me towards the back door. 

"Wait but what was my result," I ask. She looks at me and sighs. 

"It was Dauntless. And Erudite, Abnegation, and Amity." she says, "You results were inconclusive." 

"That's impossib-" 

"Its not impossible just extermley rare. They call it Divergent." she says, "You can't anyone, except your parents there also diveregnt, you are in danger go home and be careful." And with that she pushes me out the door. 

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