Chapter 11

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"Are you sure she's gonna be okay," asks Conner.

"Yeah I know Evelyn, Sammie's in safe hands," I say. He nods as we walk back into Dauntless. When we walk in we head back to the dorm. When get back everyone's talking and lounging around. I spot Rob and Danny talking and I walk over to them Conner in tow.

"Hey guys," I say sitting down next to Danny, "you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I guess," he shrugs. I wrap an arm around him and hold him tight. At first he stiffens but soon he hugs back and starts to sob.

"It's gonna be okay," I whisper. He pulls away and gives me a sad look.

"What if something bad happens to her," he cries.

"She'll be fine I made sure she was in good hands," I say.

"Are you sure," he asks.

"Positive," I say. He nods and hugs me one more time.

"Thanks," he says, "your like the sister I never had."

"Well we technically are cousins," I laugh.

"Yeah," he laughs, with a small smile. Just I as I am about to say something else but my dad bursts though the door.

"Everyone up," he yells, "be at the trains in 2 minutes!" And with that he runs out the door. Everyone starts getting ready and some already running out the door. I jump up and throw on my boots and run out the door after Danny.

When we reach the tracks the trains already running down the track me and Danny run to get the train. Danny hops on but I am having trouble grabbing the handle and the train is speeding up. I start to panic, but then I see Conner swing out of the train on the side.

"Tay," he yells reaching out his hand. I grab it and he pulls me into a hug and then we fell into the train. I felt the metal hit my back and looked up to see Conner had fallen on top of me. I immediately blushed. And Conner smiled giving me a peck on the lips.

When we stand I see mad dad watching us and I turn away blushing even more. Conner slings an arm over my shoulder and then Eric begins speaking.

"Alright the game is like capture the flag," he says then pulls out little wooden gun, "weapon of choice. Nero Stim-dart gun, simulates the pain of a real gunshot wound." Then he looks to my dad. "Two teams Four and I are captains."

"You pick first," says my dad.

"Josh," says Eric.

"Taylor," says my dad.







"Chance." And so on until everyone was on a team. Eric's team got off the train first. Then my dad's team. We head towards the Pier and all gather in a circle. My dad pulls out a green glowing flag.

"Alright any strategies," asks my dad. Everyone starts talking and arguing. I look around, we need to find a way to see where there flag is, I think. I look around us and see it, the Ferris wheel. I slip away from the group to the base of the Ferris wheel.

At first I almost turn around and go back to the group but then I take a deep breath and start climbing, and then a here a voice behind me.

"You better not jump," I hear a familiar voice. I turn around and see my dad looking up at me.

"No I'm just trying to get a good vantage point," i say as I keep climbing. All of a sudden I hear my dad start climbing too, "you don't have to come with me."

"Well what kind of dad would I be if I let you climb it alone," he says. I smile and keep climbing.

After about ten minutes of climbing I hear a metal groan. I stop and look around, all of a sudden the rail I'm standing on breaks and I fall.

I start to scream but then I feel a hand wrap around my arm. I look up and see my dad. He pulls me up and helps me on the rail. "Glad I came now," he asks.

I roll my eyes and I look out over the park until I see it the glowing flag, "look," I say pointing at the flag.

"Same old Eric," laughs dad, "he hides it there almost every year."

"Well come on let's go get it," I say starting to climb down. My dad rolls his eyes and follows. But all if a sudden he stops.

"Dad you okay," I ask. I can see him shaking, "dad?" Then it hits me. "Your afraid of heights," I say.

"Everyone's afraid of something Tay," he says.

"I didn't think you were afraid of anything," I say. He smiles and then we both continue down the Ferris wheel.

Once we finally reach the bottom we tell everyone where the flag is and we split up. My team is going for the flag while Conners team is attacking. When we reach the area right below the tower Eric's tran sees up and they light up red flares and I start to see blue darts go everywhere. "Go," says my dad pointing at the tower.

"Danny," I say grabbing him and both of us running. We duck behind a wall and I slip around the side to look for people and when I come back around Josh is there pointing his gun at Danny. He's about to shoot when I shoot him first and he falls to the ground.

I grab Danny and we run into the tower, "Tay you go I'll Guard," says Danny. I nod and run up the stairs. When I reach the top I throw open the door and see Jake. I shoot and so dose he but we both miss and then were both out of darts.

Jake charges at me and I duck roll. Then spring back up and kick him in the back which puts him on the ground. Then I kick one more time in the head and he passes out. I grab the flag and run out on the tower and wave it around, everyone stops and my team cheers. I did it! I think in my head. I have proved myself!

After everyone got back into a group we started walking towards the train when I saw a familiar face running towards me. Uriah! I run over to him and he pulls me in a hug, "nice job Tay," he says.

"What are you doing here," I ask.

"Well were doing a littler tradition, Dauntless style," he says, "wanna come?"

"Sure," I say. And then he pulls me where the rest of the crazy Dauntless are. What did I just agree to?


Hey guys so I am sorry that I haven't updated and I'm sorry if this was short. But here you have it chapter 11!!!

Thank you guys soooooooo much for reading and voting! I checked this morning and I couldn't believe it 400 reads! That's amazing to me. But I decided that I am going to start doing book recommendations in the authors notes so the first one is..........

Celebrity Status by Writerbug44!

I love this book and the writer is amazing go check out her page! This book is the first book in a trilogy so if you read Celebrity Status then go check out Cross My heart, and Lover Dearest.

Don't forget to COMMENT VOTE AND SHARE!!!!!!!

Stay Dauntless :)

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