Chapter 9

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"What are you doing here," she hissed.

"Well hello to you too," I say.

"Taylor you can't be here," she whispers.

"I know but I missed you," I say.

"I know I miss you too," she sighs. Then she does something I wasn't expecting, she wrapped me up in a hug. "Sorry I needed I needed that," she says after she pulled away.

"It's fine so did I," I say, and she smiles. Oh how I missed her smile and he laugh and everything because I just missed my best friend.

"So how's dauntless," she asked.

"It's good. We're still on our first stage of training," I say.

"How are my parents," she asks. I think back to Zeke and Shauna's faces at the choosing and sigh but then I remember I haven't really seen them since.

"There fine they just miss you," I lie. She nods but then she falls in my arms and starts sobbing.

"Oh Taylor, I made the wrong choice and I want to go home and be with my parents," she cries, "and I want to be with Zak and you and Conner. And I wanna be Dauntless and jump off trains and be daring. And just be not alone."

"Hey it's gonna be alright," I say, "and I might need you. There's bad stuff happening so I need you to get close with Johanna, because I may need Amity."

"Why? What's going on Taylor," she asks.

"I can't tell you but I just want you to be ready for anything," I say. I glance at the clock, 7:34, "hey I gotta go but I will be back okay? I'll come visit you." She nods and gives me one last hug. I turn to leave.

"Taylor," she says, "be brave."

"Always Sky. Always."


When I get back to Dauntless I have a surprise waiting for me, my mother. "Taylor where were you," she asks grabbing my arm.

"Just went on a walk," I say trying to leave.

"Taylor it's to dangerous to just 'take a walk' right now," she said, "stay on the Dauntless compound. You hear me?" I nodded.

"Okay and if I catch you out of Dauntless again you'll be in mayor trouble," she said.

"Okay mom," I say, "can I go now?"

"Yes just be careful," she says letting go of my arm, "I love you."

"Love you too mom," I say as we wrap each other in a hug.

"Alright go your friends are probably waiting," she says. I nod and then jog off down the corridor. But I don't make it far before I run into my dad.

"Oh Taylor are you all right," asks my dad.

"Yeah," I say. He gives me a questionable look.

"What happened at training," he asked.

"Nothing, I just didn't want to knock someone unconscious that wasn't hurting me," I explain, "plus I could tell he was done. And I would have wanted someone to do what I did instead of keep punching." My dad gave me a smile and pulled me into a hug.

"I am so proud of you," he said, "but Eric is going to be mad so I suggest you play it safe and just keep punching until training is over."

"Okay," I say.

"Now get going go see your friends," he said slapping me on the back. I nod and jog back to the dorms.

"Taylor," I hear someone call. I turn around and see Conner. I run up to him and kiss him, "are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine," I say. He gives me a knowing look, "I am really!"

"Okay," he says, "you know you can come to me right?"

"I know," I say pecking his lips. He smiles and pulls me into his lips.

"Oh get a room," calls Rob.

"Get a life," I shoot back. Then me and Conner burst into giggles.

"Hey we should really get some sleep. There posting the ranking for stage one tomorrow," he says. I nod and we walk back to the dorm. Everyone's already asleep. So we walk over to our beds and I lay down. Then Conner pulls he's bed next to mine and wraps me in his arms. And I fall asleep into the most peaceful sleep I have ever had.


I woke up to Conners lips on mine.

"Good morning beautiful," he said. I looked around and everyone else was still asleep.

"Well good morning handsome," I said. Then I got up out of bed and went to the showers and changed.

When I came back everyone was getting up. I walked over and sat on my bed and just relaxed until my dad came in with a chalk bored. So I got up and joined the semi-circle around my dad.

"Here are the ranking for stage one," he said and then placed them on the wall. I searched for my name and when I found it I let out a gasp.


Sorry for the cliff hanger but come on I like to keep you on your toes hehe. Anyway comment what you think her rank is and don't forget to VOTE AND SHARE:)

Stay Divergent ;)

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