Chapter 12

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My heart pounds as I run up the stairs of the HandCock building. I am in the middle of dark clothes, sweating, panting, and yelling. Up at the top floor I can hear a door open and a minute later I am bursting though that door and taking in the cool air.

I know exactly what were doing, and I smile in excitement. Soon people are flying off into the city, I jump in line and start bouncing on the balls of my feet.

"Taylor," I hear Uriah say. I look up at the front and he's waving me to the zip line. "You ready," he asks.

"Oh yeah," I reply. He helps me get into the harness and soon I am hanging over the Hancock building.

"One.........Two.........Three," Uriah yells and I start flying through the air. At first I scream but soon I just close my eyes and put my arms out like I'm flying. Now I know why mom loves this so much.

I open my eyes and see the city beneath me and I see all the glass building around me. I look at my reflection, I finally see someone Dauntless and someone who's a fighter. Even though only stage one is complete of intuition I feel like I am already one of the Dauntless. And I smile at this thought. I can be Dauntless, I can do this! And for a moment I forget about everything, about Jeanine, about Marcus, and the possibility of a war, and Josh, Jake, and Tracy.

In this moment I just feel. And what I feel is Free, Fearless, Invincible, Dauntless, and even a little Divergent.


Hey guys sorry it's such a short Chapter 13 will be put up within a day or so but it just felt right to end this chapter here so yes it's short but I feel it's more powerful.

Anyway so today's book recommendation is............................

A Different Fate. By Bookjunkie001!

It is a after allegiant fanfic but it is by far the best one I have ever read! It is amazing and power and brilliant!!! So go check that out it's in my book recommendations in my profile and there's tons of other books so check those out!! And don't forget to VOTE COMMENT and SHARE!!!! Love you guys!!!

Stay Fearless ;)

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