Chapter 6

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"You have 2 stages of training. First stage of training is physical, you'll have to push your bodies to their breaking point," my dad explains, "second is mental, you'll have to face your worse fears." I take a deep breath and glance at Conner he looks focused and determined.

"Today we'll be starting with guns," Eric says. I silently cheer, at least guns I am good with.

We all walk over to the targets and grab a gun. "First get used to the gun and then work on aim," my dad says. I pick and the gun and shoot I get an almost bullseye but the second time I get right in the centre. I continue to shoot and I look around everyone seems to get it except for the Erudite boy Danny, who is luckily being helped out by my dad instead of Eric.

We work on shooting and then we go to lunch I eat with the transfers again who are pretty cool and Conner sits with me too. After lunch we keep shooting and then were finally let go for a few hours before dinner.

Conner decides to go hang with Rob and Alex so I decide to go back up to the targets and work on my shooting. But when I get up there I see Danny trying to load his gun. "Need some help," I ask.

"No I got it," he says still struggling.

"Just like your father," I say grabbing the gun and loading it for him.

"You know my father," he asks.

"Yeah. He's my uncle," I say.

"So you mom is Tris," he asks.

"Yeah," i say. We both sit in silence just in our own thoughts. "Danny I need you help," I say.

"And I need yours," he says, "what do you need?"

"I need to know if you heard anything in Erudite about simulation or war," I say, "what do you need?"

"I need your help with training. I'm not gonna make it in dauntless," he says.

"Okay I'll help you," I agree, "now the info."

"Well before I left I heard my parents talking about a simulation that could start a war," he says. Oh my god she's making a serum that controls things or worse people. I have to get to my dad.

"Thanks Danny I got to go," I say running out the door.

I run through the halls to my family's apartment and when I get to the door I stop. The handles all mangled and the door is cracked open.

I peek through the crack. I see my mom and dad tied up and I see Marcus with some other dauntless. I see there all facing away from me so I slip in and hide behind the kitchen counter. A few seconds later a Dauntless guard comes busting in the door with Toby being dragged next to him.

"Where's the girl," Marcus asks.

"Still no sign were looking," says one of the guards.

"Well go idiots go," yells Marcus and all of the Dauntless guards run out the door. "Well I was going to wait until the whole family was here but let's just get started."

"Marcus you will not get away with this," yells my dad.

"Oh really," he says, "because I could just pull the trigger at any moment Tobias." Marcus pulls out a gun and points it at my fathers head. I have to think fast and then I remember, my dad has a gun in his closet. I army crawl over to the hallway and then once I'm out of sight I jump up and run to my parents room. I open the door and walk in I go to the closet and pull out the gun.

I walk back out to the living room, Marcus is still saying threats and pointing the gun around. Then his walkie talkie makes noise. ""We still can't find her sir," says one of the guards.

"Well look harder," he yells and then throws the walkie on the ground, "I'm sick of this." He screams and then he puts the gun up to my fathers head.

"Don't move," I order walking out with the gun pointed at Marcus.

"Ah Taylor there you are," says Marcus.

"Marcus you have 10 seconds to leave before I shoot you in the head," I warn.

"Oh really. Well Miss Taylor I believe your underestimating me," he says, "at least I'm not the divergent with a price on there head."

"Well I'd rather be that instead of the one with a gun pointed at there head," I say smirking. Marcus laughed and then walked closer daring me to shoot.

"Go ahead Taylor. Or are you not Dauntless enough," he asked mockingly. And before I could answer people were bursting in the door so I squeezed the trigger and Marcus fell to the floor. Before I could look where I hit him I was being pulled away and dragged into my parents room.

When the door slammed shut I looked up to see Toby and Mom. "Where's dad," I asked. Mom came over and hugged me really tight and I was really hoping he wasn't dead.

After a few minutes it was quite and mom peeked out the door with gun in hand. She walked out into the hall closing the door behind her. "Taylor! Toby! Come quick," she screamed. Me and Toby ran out to the living room to see my dad lying on the floor unconscious. My mom was sobbing and Toby was standing in shock, they thought he was dead. I crouched down next to him and put my ear to his chest. He had a faint heart beat.

"Mom go get help!," I yelled. She jumped up and ran out the door. I started to do CPR and suddenly my dad jerked awake.

"Taylor? Taylor what's going on," he asked.

"Dad. Daddy it's gonna be okay, hey stay with me keep talking," I begged as he closed his eyes. I started doing CPR again and a minute later the doctors and other Dauntless came in the door.

Uriah came in and pulled me from my dad. I started kicking and screaming trying to get to him. Once Uriah got me outside the Dauntless rushed him to the infirmary. That's when I collapsed in Uriah's arms and cried.


Hey guys sorry kinda short and I'm sorry for not updating sooner! So I hoped u liked it and I will be starting Chapter 7 tonight I hope to finish it but it will be posted before Monday :) Thanks for reading! Vote, Comment, and Share!

Stay amazing ;)

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