Chapter 19

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I woke up in the simulation room next to my dad. We were both breathing heavily and were shaking. I start replaying what just happened in my head. It felt so real when we were in their. And I realize something my dad never told us why people call him four. "That's why they call you four," I say, "four fears." He nods his head. I stand up to leave not sure what to do.

"Tay," my dad says before I open the door, "if you do what you did in their you'll ace the final exam." I nod my head turning towards the door I leave running to who knows where.

When I finally stop running I end up at the train tracks. I see the train coming so I decide to hop on, once I'm on I sit down letting my feet hang off the side. With no where in mind I just sit and watch the passing landscape. Then I start coming up on the factionless area. I decide to jump off and go look for Sammie.

Once I'm on the ground I start jogging. And head towards where Evelyn's wear house is. I hear a noise and stop to take in my surroundings, I don't see anyone but that doesn't mean their not there. All of a sudden I felt some one touch my arm. I spin around to find a Factionless man. He has Amity red pants and a black Dauntless shirt on. He puts his hands out signaling he wants food.

"I don't have anything sorry," I say turning to leave. But as I'm about to take off he grabs my arm and throws me to the ground. I roll over and jump back up, he takes a sharp pice of glass and swings at me. He misses and I take the chance to punch him in the face. He back peddles and runs towards me again with the glass. I go to jump to the side but he catches my arm with the glass and I fall to the ground. Before I can jump up he's on top of my with the glass under my neck.

"What are you gonna do now Miss Dauntless," he sneers. I struggle against his grip but it doesn't help. He's about to cut me with the glass again when he suddenly is tackled. I jump and look at who saved me, its Zak, in his abnegation grey. He's wresting the guy, that's when I notice the man dropped the glass. I run and grab it just as he's about to punch Zak, I run up and stab him in the back.

The next thing I know I'm being grabbed by Zak and we start running. I don't even look back I just run, finally Zak pulls me into an ally and we stop. At first we both just sit there catching our breath, but then I think why is Zak here. Obviously we both have the same thought because we both suddenly brush out, "What are you doing here?"

We just stare at each other for a moment until he finally speaks, "I was coming to find you." Well that wasn't what I was expecting.

"Why," I ask. He looks at ground, he looks nervous.

"I needed to talk to you about something that's happening in Abnegation," he says. I raise my eyebrows silently asking the question, why?

"Well I've been noticing that Erudite has been coming to Abnegation quite a lot, and on day I decided to go check it out and when I went up to Marcus's office I saw him and Jeanie," he takes a deep breath, "they were talking about a staged attack on Abnegation. And they said something about using Dauntless and simulations." I take a minute taking in the information. Why would Marcus be in on that. "Taylor," Zak says, "they also said that people would be killed." I take a step back, killing?!

"Zak we need to do something about this," I say. He nods his head. Just then an idea hits me, "Zak we can't stop this but we can stop it from working right." He gives me a confused look, I'm about to explain when something catches my eye, the sun setting. I have to get back.

"Zak I have to get back but meet me at the edge of Abnegation tomorrow at 5 and I'll explain," I say.

"Okay," he says, "Hey Tay?"

"Yeah," I ask turning towards him.

"I missed you," he says pulling me into a hug. I hug him back happy to be at peace for that moment. I finally pull away.

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