Chapter 4

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I take a deep breath and open the door to the apartment and I see Toby with my parents talking in the living room. They all look towards me when I enter. My mom gets up and hugs me. I pull back and walk over to Toby. "Divergent?" I ask him. And he nods his head. I look towards my parents and they look at each other. 

"You may want to sit down," my dad says. I take a seat next to Toby. 

"What was you result," asks my mom. 

"What do you think it was," I say annoyed. I just want them to say it so I can figure out what being divergent is. "Mom, dad what are we?" I ask gesturing towards me and Toby. They both sigh and look each other. 

"We're not completely sure but we know its dangerous because you threaten the system and there afraid of you." says my mom.

"What do you mean? Mom what can we do?" I ask angrily.

"When your in simulations you can wake up and control the serum," says my dad. I just sit there dumbfounded. "What did you get Taylor?"

"Dauntless, Abnegation, Erudite and Amity," I say. My parents look at each other I can tell there shocked, "Well what did you guys get?" 

"Your mother got Dauntless, Erudite, and Abnegation," says my dad, "I got Dauntless and Abnegation." I just sit there and feel confused. I turn to Toby. 

"What did you get," I ask Toby. 

"Dauntless, Abnegation, and Candor," he says with a blank expression on his face. Why do I have four factions it dosen't make sense. 

"Listen you guys you can't tell anybody and if you choose Dauntless you'll have to be very careful because stage 2 is when they'll be able to find out about you," my mom explains. I nod my head. "Everything will be okay." 

My mom comes over and hugs me but I can't move I feel numb. "It's getting late you guys should get some rest for tomorrow," says my dad. Me and Toby nod and get up. I walk to my room. When I get inside I close the door and fall on my bed and just cry and cry and cry. I don't want to deal with this and I don't want my family in danger. I deiced I need to talk to Toby. I get yp and walk to his room. I walk up to my parents room and I can hear crying so I listen. 

"Tobias I don't know what to do the kids are better off away from us but you know they will choose Dauntless, what are we going to do?" 

"Tris it will be alright there strong we just can't let them find out about whats happening in Erudite and Abnegation." 

"The Dauntless board is trying to talk to Jeanine but she will not listen she insists on Erudite becoming the governing faction and on finding all the divergents and killing them." 

"It will be alright we know Marcus won't let Jeanine do that," says my dad. I think back to that night when I was in Abnegation and I feel sick, I need to tell my parents. But I'm afraid I need help. So I keep walking towards Toby's room. When I reach the door I listen I can hear him listening to music. I knock on the door and a few seconds later Toby opens the door. I hug him and he hugs me. We walk into his room and he closes the door. 

"Whats up," he asks. I sigh and he looks at me curiously. 

"There's something I need to tell you," I say. He nods sitting on his bed and me sitting next to him. I go into how I went to Abnegation and everything up till what I just happened in the hall. "What do you think," I ask him. He sighs and looks at me. 

"For one you crazy for going anywhere near Marcus," he laughs, "and I have a plan." I smile this is why I came to him. 

"Well lets hear the brilliance," I laugh.  He gets a serious look on his face and takes a deep breath. 

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