Chapter 15

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Today's the day. We start phase 2. To say I was nervous was the least, I was about to scream, vomit, and faint all at the same time. I still don't know what my dad wanted to tell me all I knew was that I had to be careful about stage 2 and it involved my divergence.

So as we walked to the simulation rooms the fear in me keep growing like a tank slowly filling up with water and if a enough water fills the tank it will explode. That's what I felt like. When we got to a big white door Eric stopped.

"Alright so inside there is a waiting room, you'll all go in and wait until your name is called then you'll go in through the other door in the waiting room," he explained. Then he opened the door and everyone walked in, and sat down in chairs along the wall. I took a seat between Conner and Rob. Conner takes my hand and squeezes it. I give him a reassuring smile but I don't let go, because if I do I'm afraid I'll break.

After what feels like forever the door opens, my dad stands on the other side. I take a sigh of relief, at least it will be my dad and not Eric. "Josh," he says. Then Josh gets out of his seat and strolls over to the door with that cocky smirk on his face. As soon as the door closes everyone starts whispering to each other, I still feel to sick to speak so I stay quite in my own thoughts.

About 10 minutes later the door opens and Josh walks out, but not with his smirk but with a slouch and terrified look on his face he walks out the other door and into the hall. As soon as the door closes everyone turns to my dad. "Rob," he says. I look over to see Rob with a blank expression I reach over and squeeze his hand. He gives me a reassuring smile and stands and walks into the room with a determined look on his face.

About 5 minutes later the door opens and Rob walks out and looks completely blank, like a robot, and just walks right out of the room without even sparing anyone a glance. After that my dad calls a few more names. Then he calls Conner's name.

My eyes go wide I can't stand sitting in this room alone. But Conner just gives my hand a squeeze and stands up and walks toward my dad. I take a deep breath and tell myself he'll be okay. So I wait for the longest 10 minutes of my life. And when the door opens I spring up in my chair and watch as Conner walks out of the room and out the door, almost like he's running from something. My stomach churns, I am not ready for this. Then everyone turns to my dad "Taylor."


Hey guys omg it's been so long I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like forever but this is crazy over 1000 reads you guys are awesome!!!! I love you guys so much thanks for the support it means a lot!

Okay sorry I know your gonna hate me I left you on a cliffhanger but I will update really soon either tomorrow or Saturday so that will come soon but thanks for staying with the book :)

Now don't forget to COMMENT VOTE and SHARE!!!!!!! Hey and I'm always looking for new books to recommend so if you have a book or one you really like leave it in the comments and I will read it and promote it!

But he book for this month is...........

My Brothers Best Friend by Knightsrachel! So go check that out it's in my reading list under my profile along with other amazing books I've read on Wattpad and while your there maybe just that follow button cuz it's not that hard ;) And check out the other books I've written!

Stay Amazing ;)

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