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I'm completing a painting job when my phone rings. I take a glance to discover it's Paige. I hope she's okay, I'd hate to pick up the phone and hear her  breaking down.

"Hey, Paige," I say, dropping the paint brush I'm holding.

"Kyle. Where are you? I came to return your jacket but it seems like you're not at the beach. "

I notice I'm smiling because she's not crying.

"Sorry about that. I'm kinda on another job but I'll soon be done anyway."

"Another Job? Geez Kyle how many jobs do you engage in?"

Any amount that I can to reach my goal.

"Just a few, " I say.

"What are you actually doing now? "

"Painting. But I'm almost done," I respond.

"You paint too? Geez Kyle. What can't you do? "

Initially I didn't know how to do any of all this. I never had the chance to learn so now that I do, I'm trying to make the most of my chance because my chance, this chance I have is limited.

"I'm just trying to make ends meet, Paige. So do you want to see me? "

There's a silent pause at the other end of the phone.

The answer I assume due to her silence hurts a little, just a little.

"Hello. Earth to Paige. If you don't want to see me, you can just say so. I was just asking so I'd know if I'd give you the address to my apartment so you'd  drop the jacket or if I should plead you wait for a little more time so that, we can actually see. "

"Hey. Sorry about that. I do want to see you. "

I decide to tease her.

"No, you don't. You are just saying that because you're scared you'll get missing if I give you the address to my
apartment. "

"Hey. That's not true. I might not know alot of places but I can find my way around. "

I can't stop the laughter that escapes from my mouth when I realize she's taking this serious.

"Prove it then. "

"Okay fine. I will. Give me the address. "

I laugh a little then I give her the address.

After she hangs up I put my phone on silent so I can finish my work faster. Finishing my work faster means getting a chance to see her and I do want to see her. I do want to know that she's really okay. I want to see a genuine smile painting her face.

It wasn't really like this when I first met her, I didn't like seeing her unhappy, sure. But the need to see her happy wasn't this strong. I don't know if you get me.

As I'm getting to know her more, I just find myself caring more about her happiness. I don't like what Brian does to  her, I don't like that he makes her cry. I just want to see her happy always.

I worry so much about her in a way that I've never worried about anyone. But it doesn't surprise me, I've never really had a chance to meet alot of people. Is this how it always is? Will I have this great concern I have for her happiness with everyone I meet? Is this normal?

Of course it's normal, Kyle. You guys are friends and although you haven't had much friends, you know at least that friends genuinely care about each other.

Okay, now I'm talking to myself. I should stop.
I finish the painting job faster than I expected then I hurry back home. When I get to my apartment there's no sign of Paige or my jacket.

Summer After High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now