Following my heart

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Can I not do this anymore
Can I follow my heart
Please answer me
Will you be holding my hand
Can you walk in my path once
Try it for me please
I see so much ahead of me
Why can't you see it
Am I wrong
Is this just a nightmare
Follow me, let me show you my world
Hold my hand so that I don't fall down
It scares me so much
That if I don't do what I want now....
....then I'll never be able to wake up from this nightmare
Am I that selfish
I'm scared that I'll disappoint you once again
But please don't let go of my hand
Let me lead you and show you the future I see for myself
Can you not compare me anymore
I know that others are successful
But can you stop for a second and think about how I feel
Can you help me wake up
I don't want to be here anymore
Don't leave my hand, because if you do, I'm scared that....
.... I will break
Is it so hard to help me stand up and follow me??
I'll show you a beautiful dream...a beautiful future

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