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Trying to pretend
That you care
Please stop
Cause you're only making it worse for me

Your pretence
Gives me hope
It may lighten me up
But it will only bring me down in the end

You pretend
That you care
And the foolish me
Believes you

Your pretence
Will leave me crushed in the end
So please stop
You don't have to
I never asked you to

Your only making it worse
Giving me hope
Only to leave me in the end
It will only affect me more

So stop pretending
Before you crush me completely

But as I tell you this
The selfish me
Tries to reach out to you
Even though I know that you don't care
The foolish me
Wanting to believe you

Even though it's just pretence
I try to find comfort in it
I try to hold on to it as long as possible
It's like holding onto a weak thread
Which will end up breaking me

Let me go now
It will do me no good
Let me go

But then again
It got me thinking
Maybe it's okay to pretend
Maybe not..
I don't know anymore..


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