Standing in the rain

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Jonny had picked Emma up 2 hours ago. He was keeping her for the next 2 weeks. The plan was that she would go straight to the airport 'throw a dart at the departure board' and go somewhere, anywhere away from holby, away from her emotions, away from him
But instead she walked and walked and walked. At some point it started raining. masking her tears. She didn't notice the rain soaking through her thin jumper and jeans. And now she was standing outside his front door. She didn't know how she got there, she didn't know why.
Her wet hair stuck to her head and face. She was barely aware of her hand reaching for the doorbell. And then there he was. 
"Jac, what on Earth are you doing here"
"I don't know" she whispered sadly, barely audible above the noise of the rain
"come in come in" he gently guided her. She seemed unable to undertake even simple movements without his guidances.
"Let's get you out of those wet clothes, you're freezing mate"
Whilst he busied himself getting a towel for her hair and another for her body, a hoodie which would pretty much drown her and some  tracksuit bottom which had a drawstring waist, he tried to make sense of Jac being here.
It was only yesterday that she left the hospital without them getting to have their 'talk'. Not even saying goodbye just a cursory wave at the theatre observation window.
He'd finished work at 5pm today and driven his brood over to his mum's for a prearranged 3 night stay over the weekend. Fletch's mum Julia wondered what was wrong with her usually bright, enthusiastic son.
"What's up" She said handing him a mug of tea
He sighed. His mum knew all about Jac and his feelings for her
" it's Jac. She's gone for at least 4 weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't come back and it's my fault. I told her we needed to talk"
" and you haven't?"
"She left"
"So you haven't had a chance to tell her that you love her"
"No" he said  "she's just so scared to let anyone in but I really thought I was getting somewhere"
She reached forward and took his mug and put it down . She hugged her only son  "you'll find a way in if you just love her whatever she throws at you"
"Thanks mum"
He'd gone home via the chip shop and sat with a bottle of beer trying to concentrate on the football but his mind kept wandering back to fiery red hair, razor sharp cheek bones and eyes to lose yourself in.
When the doorbell rang the very last person he expected it to be was Jac. She looked broken, not even aware of how wet she was. He had an overwhelming need to care for her, protect her love her .

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