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"Sit down Jac" he pulled out a chair at the kitchen table
She did as he said
"Drink this" he pushed the glass of brandy towards her. The rain was pounding off the skylights in the kitchen.
"It's dreadful out there. Doesn't show any signs of stopping" he commented unable to bear the silence
"What are you doing here Jac? Did something happen?" He had to ask. It would be weird if he didn't address the elephant in the room
He considered reaching for her hand but thought better of it at the last minute
Jac took a big slug of brandy
"I don't know how or why I ended up here Fletch. I'm sorry" her voice was quiet and a little unsteady
"I'm pleased you came here. Where else could you have gone in that state?"
"I was supposed to be on a plane heading for somewhere far away from here. I've even got a packed case by the front door. Instead I'm sitting at your kitchen table drinking brandy with no knickers on" was that another faint smile
Fletch had gone bright red at her 'no knickers' comment. Focus Fletcher. He took a sip of brandy and cleared his throat
"Want to carry on?" He encouraged
She nodded
"I have a locket. It now has a photo of Emma in one half and Jasmine in the other and I couldn't remember for the life of me of they'd ever met. This bothered me and started off a whole load of other thoughts. I decided to go for a walk to clear my head but instead of clearing it just got fuller and fuller with memories and thoughts and decisions and heartache. I just carried on walking, there was so much going on in my head now so much noise that I couldn't make anything out. I didn't notice it raining. I must have been walking round for about two hours "
Her voice was steadier now. Another big slug of brandy
"And then before I knew it I was outside your door which I know is totally unfair after the way I left yesterday but I had no where else, no one else to go to" she looked up at him and a solitary tear ran down her cheek.
Without thinking Fletch wiped it away with his thumb.

Standing in the rainWhere stories live. Discover now