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"How are your other injuries?" She gently ran her fingers over the fading bruises on his face.
"Nothing hurt as much as not being able to remember you" he pulled a face "Sorry that is so cringey"
She laughed "yeah it was pretty bad"
"I had forgotten that I had told Evie when she caught me looking at that selfie you took. But before I could remember I couldn't believe that what she was saying was true. The last I remembered of us was me saying we had to keep it strictly professional"
She apologised " classic Naylor. Pushing you away, keeping you out"
He hugged her again "so am I still allowed to call you on it if you revert back to your old self, try to push me away. Allowed to call you on it and remind you of a perfect day where we ate Chinese food on my living room floor after leaving my bed"
Jac reddened remembering the day. Her body ached for his "Yes you're allowed to remind me of that day anytime"
Jac straddled him as she had done on that day and kissed him deeply "Welcome back Fletch"
His hands began to explore under her top followed by his mouth. He kissed her through the lace of her bra, making her nipples harden. She was moaning softly and had a hand between them stroking him through his sweatpants.
"Oh god" he exclaimed. "How did I ever forget this?" He matched her moans
Embarrassed Jac told him that she had what they needed in the kitchen table drawer
Fletch raised his eyebrows as he opened it
"Wow" I hope these were only intended for me. She nuzzled his neck " what do you think" she said loosening the drawstring on his sweatpants. He undid her jeans . They both briefly stood to rid themselves of their lower garments and moved together just as they always had done
"Wow" She said afterwards "we couldn't even make it to the bedroom"
"Looks like you were prepared for all eventualities" he smirked, gesturing to the drawer "Anyway it's a good job. It takes me half an hour to get upstairs with this thing"he said pointing to his cast " that" he said kissing her forehead " could not have waited half an hour"
"Mr Fletcher" she said pretending to be shocked
" is your mum still at yours helping out with the kids?"
"I think she's going to stay til I can drive? Any reason" he said stroking her forearms
"How do you think she would feel about you being out over night?" Jac asked shyly
"I'm a big boy I'm sure she wouldn't mind as long a
as there was someone taking care of me" he said suggestively
"Oh I'll take care of you Fletch" she resisted further double entendres by not mentioning the 'big boy' description but child as she was she sniggered to herself . She kissed him lightly. "It just feels so long since we woke up together"
"I know babe. I'm sure it will be fine. I'll call home now"
Evie answered
Evie it's Dad
Dad how did it go? Is she ok?
Fletch laughed she's fine he said winking at Jac who was listening.
I'm dead pleased Dad.
Did you tell gran where I was ? I kind of just took off
Yeah you couldn't wait another minute could you ha ha
Is Gran there?
Yes I'll just get her
Adrian are you alright
Never better mum. Evie told you?
Yes love. Very good news
I want to stay with a Jac tonight mum. Can you look after the kids he felt like an awkward teenager
Fletch's mum laughed at the nervousness in his voice
You're a grown man Adrian. Stay with Jac I think you both need to know that you'll be there in the morning
Thanks mum
Bye love
"Your mum is so great" Jac said "I love the relationship you have with her"
"Yeah she's not a bad old bird"

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