The next chapter

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Jac came downstairs. She'd dressed in her own clothes apart from her jumper which she switched for Fletch's hoodie from last night. It made her feel close to him. Safe
"Hi" she said quietly
"Hey. Tea's in the pot. Just help yourself to fruit and yogurt"
"Thanks Fletch" she didn't realise how hungry she was. He was so good with her- well with everyone really
"Do you want to carry on telling me what was on your mind yesterday?"
"Yes"she said simply sipping her tea
"Where do you want to start. We've got all day"
Jac sighed " I went through university using people, well men mainly" she cringed "I was determined to prove to those bastards at the home that I would amount to something. When I was trying to work for any exams they would say 'why are you bothering, no one from here ever gets anywhere in life'. There was one decent worker there called Katie - she helped me with uni applications and getting sorted with halls of residence and grants and such like. Anyway I graduated top of my year and threw myself into work. By then my walls were firmly in place. There were messy relationships and I did things that l'm not proud of - maybe I'll tell you one day. And then Jonny"
Fletch repeated his  actions of the previous night and covered her hand with his. They both ignored the electricity that passed between  them.
Jac cleared her throat " anyway I was a cow to him, I did love him but I destroyed that relationship so many times, we were constantly on and off . He had a temper to match mine. When I found out I was pregnant I was going to have a termination  - I sometimes watch Emma sleeping and feel so guilty that I even considered that. I don't know whether you know that she was really poorly when she was born. I really thought she was going to die. It's what I deserved but thankfully she pulled through. I even struggled to bond with her at first but now, I guess she is the only good thing in my life. I can't imagine what it must be like for you with 4 to look after by yourself"
Jac showing concern for another human being ?
"It is hard but we get by. Contrary to popular belief,they're not bad kids. In fact I think they're great kids" he grinned.
Sexy, funny and great with kids - how had he not been snapped up
"You've never been tempted for a 'new mummy' for them?"
"Apart from Raf you mean" he said somewhat sadly
"I'm sorry" it was her turn to squeeze his hand
"S'ok" Fletch shrugged. "In answer to your question I can't put the kids through any more heartache so any woman I introduce would have to be very special and I would have to know that she was committed to not abandoning us. Just haven't found her yet. Haven't stopped hoping for that happy ending though"
"You're a good Dad Fletch wanting to protect them like that"
"Yeah well" he said embarrassed. "I'm all they've got" he grinned
Fletch made some more tea.
"Let's take this in the living room , bit comfier. My backside is going to sleep on these hard kitchen chairs"
Mmm Fletch's backside she thought and blushed
"0k" she stood up a little too fast and winced in pain.
Fletch was immediately at her side, arm around her waist
"Jac are you ok" his voice laced with concern
"Sorry. Sorry yes I'm fine thanks" she moved away from him and moved to the living room. He followed her in with her tea.
"You should have told me about the pain you know"
"I know. Let me continue and I promise you I'll tell you why I didn't"
Fletch sighed "ok" he was impatient to get to the part about him. If there was a part about him. He didn't think he could bear it if there wasn't.
They sat side by side on the sofa and Jac continued.

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