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This will be the final part of this story. Hope you've enjoyed it x
"What the......"
Fletch was staring at the front page of the 'Holby gazette ' that Donna was waving under his nose. Under the headline was a picture of him and Jac kneeling beside Becky's son. An on looker had obviously taken a photo on their phone and gathered that they were doctor and nurse from conversations between them, Becky and Iain. There was also a smaller picture of them leaving the scene holding hands
"Fletch!" she exclaimed
He ignored her and read on
A Holby City nurse and Doctor were yesterday involved in the dramatic rescue of a boy who had fallen into the boating lake at St Edward's park.
Eye witnesses say that the boy had fallen into the lake and got into difficulties. He was pulled out of the water by local jogger Matthew Rowe and the two Holby City staff rushed over to give the boy life saving treatment before paramedics arrived
"Shit" he said "she's gonna go mental"
"Fletch are you and Jac a couple?"
"Erm" they were sat in Pulses. He looked round to see who was about
"You are aren't you" Donna said triumphantly "blimey Fletch you like a challenge don't you?"
Fletch couldn't help the smile that spread across his face
"Can I take this?" He said gesturing to the paper
"Sure" Donna grinned "good luck"
"Thanks. See ya"
"Wouldn't wanna be ya" she laughed
Fletch managed to make it up to Jac's office without having to interact with anyone. He knocked
"Come in Fletch. Make it quick I'm in theatre in 15 minutes"
He walked in and threw the paper on her desk. Her eyes grew in size as she read the article Fletch studied her face trying to gauge her reaction
"I don't know what to say" she said finally
"Yea. What should we do ?" He said sitting on the sofa patting the seat next to him inviting her to join him
"Well realistically there's not a lot we can do is there?" She sat next to him placing her hand on his thigh
"Wow, I thought you'd go mental" he said
She chuckled "ha old me would have gone ballistic. But really what's the point? I mean it doesn't even name us so unless you knew us ..."
He had cut her off mid sentence with a kiss. As the kiss deepened she started moving her hand that had been resting on his thigh in sensual strokes, his hands slipped under her scrubs.
"Theatre" Jac murmured half heartedly as his lips left her and began nuzzling her neck
"Can wait 5 minutes. They can't start without you"
He carried on caressing her under her top but did reluctantly eventually pull away.
"Duty calls" Fletch said
Jac straightened her top and put her hair back in the efficient bun it had been in only moments before "you never did molest me in the store cupboard Fletcher"
"Hmm, I'll surprise you one day. I'm going to have to sit here for a minute"
Jac noticed his still obvious arousal. She laughed and kissed him deeply.
"Well that's not helpful"he complained
"See you later"
With that the ice queen went to rule her kingdom
Fletch was eventually in a respectable state and went onto the ward. His phone beeped with a text message from Becky
Hi Fletch
Just wanted you to know that Dan's ok. They're keeping him in for a couple of days.
I can't thank you and Jac enough. I saw the gazette - sorry I think your covers blown. It's all anyone's talking about on paediatrics
Fletch chuckled to himself. " yep cover well and truly blown"
After a difficult operation Jac was getting ready to go. For once she and Fletch were finishing at the same time so she called into his office
"Hey, you ready?" She stood in the doorway. Unlike hers, Fletch's office door was rarely shut .
Fletch looked up from his desk and wondered again how he'd got so lucky to be involved with this beautiful, amazing woman.
"Hey gorgeous, two seconds" Fletch closed his computer down.
"Becky texted. Dan's going to be fine. He's down on the children's ward for a couple of days. Do you wanna pop down and see him - we have time before we have to go to crèche"
"OK" she smiled
They made their way down to paediatrics. As they approached the ward, Jac reached for his hand, interlocking their fingers. Fletch looked at her searchingly
"Shut up" she said smiling
Becky was sat by her son's bed. She jumped up when she saw them and hugged them both.
"Dan, this is Jac and Fletch who helped you at the park"
"Hello" he said shyly
"How you feeling mate?" Fletch asked
"My chest's a bit sore and I'm on horrible medicine"
"He's fine thanks to you two. Sorry about the paper, one of the onlookers must have done that" she looked apologetically at Jac
"Don't worry, as long as he's alright"
They bid their farewells and headed off to collect the little ones
"Coming for tea tonight?" He offered
"Hmm what's on the menu"
"Apart from me?"
She rolled her eyes and waited for him to continue
"Nothing fancy. Jacket potatoes and various fillings"
"Sounds good" she grinned. "See you there" she said getting Emma settled in her car seat. She put Emma's little back pack in the boot and smiled at their overnight bag that had been in there for weeks in case they ever did stay over at Fletch's
After tea, the kids were playing in the garden. Fletch and Jac were snuggled on the sofa
"I'm pleased Dan's going to be alright"
"Yes. I couldn't imagine how I'd feel if something happened to one of ours"
"Ours?" Teased Fletch
Jac blushed "you know what I mean" she batted him on the arm
"Stay" said Fletch expecting her usual refusal
"Ok" she said simply
He sat up and looked at her, trying to detect any hint of her joking about it, but could see none
"You sure?"
"Well only if you want us to"
Fletch answered that with a hug. he nuzzled her neck " mmm looking forward to waking up with you. What changed your mind?"
She sighed and sank further into his embrace "I just needed time Fletch. And you're right I do view them all as 'ours' so why would I want to stay somewhere away from my family"

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