Back in the kitchen

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Christ. Fletch would never know how he stopped. How he had that amount of self control. God she was so sexy and was responding to him in a way he could only have dreamt of but he needed to know where he stood before carrying this on. Whatever 'this' was. He had kids to consider - he'd had  daydreams where Jac and Emma were part of their lives but any relationship with Jac would have to be taken slowly. She was too broken to do anything else.
He knew he loved her. She had already admitted that she cared about him but as for being together?
"Jac, I'm going to make us some lunch , we're going to have a glass of wine and we're going to talk" he paused "in the kitchen" he added. It was safer than sitting close to her warm body on the sofa, legs touching , holding hands... why had he stopped again?
She nodded. Jac understood why he'd stopped but oh my god that was amazing. No one had made her respond like that in years. If ever. He was sexy no question about that. She'd appreciated his body, had agreed with Becky's assessment of his backside but never imagined he could make her feel like that with,what was essentially, one kiss. She almost whimpered when he pulled away.
Jac had talked and talked since she arrived on his doorstep in the pouring rain but he had mainly listened and it was only fair that he got a chance to tell her how he was feeling.
She reluctantly followed him into the kitchen
"Omelette and salad ok?"
"Mmm great" she said
"There's some white wine in the fridge , the glasses are in the cupboard above washing machine"
Jac poured them each a glass of wine whilst he cooked.  She smiled to herself at the domestic scene. A man had never cooked for her before. In fairness she'd never cooked for a man either. Her culinary skills were pretty much limited to macaroni cheese, nuggets and chips and noodles. Emma's favourites
"I'm just going to give Jonny a call to see how Emma is"
He answered after s couple of rings "Hi, it's me"
"Hi Jac. How are you"
"I'm fine. How's Emma?"
"Having a great time, we're just at the park. Did you end up anywhere nice?"
She looked over at Fletch who was whistling softly as he cooked their omelettes
"Yeah I did." She smiled "It's a place where I can think, sort out my demons and physically recover. Can I speak to her"
" 'course"
She heard Jonny call for Emma
"Hi mummy" said Emma breathlessly
"Hi baby. Have you been running?"
"Yes I'm playing hide and seek. Are you still poorly mummy?"
"I'm much better sweetheart"
"Oh good. I have to go now it's my turn to count. Bye" with that Emma hung up. Jac smiled , she held the phone to her heart "love you baby"
Fletch was observing this scene. So she really does have a heart he thought to himself.

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