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"Is that ok?"
" you really have to ask?" Fletch said
"When are the kids back"
"Day after tomorrow. We're in a bit of a bubble aren't we.  I would like you to meet them soon just not coming out of daddy's  bedroom yet . Is that ok"
"God yes of course"
"You're the first one they'll have met though"
"I'd better be amazing then" she laughed
"So" she said "we've still got tonight and tomorrow night then. Come on. Let's head up"
"Anything you say babe" he replied
Half way up the stairs she turned to him " I nearly passed out when you said that this morning. That seems like so long ago "
"I wanted to cut my tongue out as soon as I'd said it"
She giggled as he tickled her all the way upstairs.
In the morning Fletch received a text message as he read it he guffawed loudly
"What's so funny? It better be good Fletcher to wake me up this early"
"It's well worth waking up for" he said " it's from Frieda asking ' have you seen anything of or heard anything from Jac?'"
Jac started to laugh "yeah you've definitely seen and heard plenty of me in every sense"
She shuffled over to lay her head on his bare chest.
"First morning I've woken up with you" she commented "I like it"
"Me too. What shall I tell Frieda? And on that subject what are we gonna do about work?"
"I hadn't quite thought as far ahead as that what do you think?" She said beginning to nuzzle his chest
Fletch moaned softly "it's going to be hard"
" I was banking on that" she continued nuzzling further down onto his taut stomach
He chuckled " you know what I mean. Oh god" Jac had got to her prize " Fuck - we'll think about work later"
When he had finished, Jac grinned up at him
"Good morning Mr Fletcher"
He tried to grab her as she went to get out of bed but she was too quick and he felt too weak
"Good morning Ms Naylor" he said lazily as she pulled on his hoodie and sweat pants
"I should really go home today and get some different clothes"
"I like you in those" he grumbled
"Still I should go today"
Fletch looked a little dejected " you're coming with me though aren't you?" Jac asked
"If you want me to"
"I'm gonna need a lift home" she teased and flopped back down on the bed
"That all I'm good for?" He managed to grab her this time
"You know that's not true - come on let's get up"
As they sat with coffee and toast Fletch got out his phone " so what am I telling Petrenko?"
"How do you feel about lying through your teeth and saying you haven't heard from me, don't know where I am"
"ok I can do that"
Hi Frieda
I haven't seen or heard from Jac. I take it you haven't either. Maybe one of us should contact her?
Fletch x
"Look at you throwing your kisses around at the end of a text" she teased, Fletch's phone beeped
Hi Fletch
I hope she's ok I think you should try and contact her
Frieda x
"Apparently it's mutual"she raised an eyebrow
"Get over yourself Jac it's just how normal people communicate and I mean obviously I'm having an affair with Petrenko" he smirked. That earned him a punch in the arm followed by a very passionate kiss.
"even the thought makes me feel sick" she said
Why me? She's not gonna be happy
Fletch x
We need to know she's ok. It's you she's in love with not me so you're best to contact her
Frieda x
" busted" fletch said showing Jac the screen
"Oh shit"
" thanks" he huffed
"You know what I mean. If Petrenko worked it out, who else has?"
"Listen" he said pulling her onto his lap. "nobody works as closely with us as Frieda. I'm sure no one else will have noticed. I can easily put her off the scent for now but in the long term. - because this" he gestured between them " is long term Naylor. How do you want to play this at work"
Jac stood up
"Christ I don't know Fletch, it's only been two days"
She saw she'd hurt him unintentionally. "Sorry" she returned to his lap and stroked his face.
"We've got another 3 weeks before I'm due back. There's time to work on it"
"OK" he sounded relieved
"I'll text. Petrenko back"
Hi Frieda
I don't know what you're talking about. It's quite evident that Jac has no feelings for me - difficult to write that when she had her hands inside his shirt- but I'll take the rap for trying to contact her. I'll let you know if she responds
Fletch x

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