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Afternoon fades to evening.
"Hey you" fletch said as Jac walked into the kitchen fresh from the shower. She was still wearing his hoodie. He went to her and encircled her waist, she put her arms round his neck "am I ever going to get that top back Ms Naylor?" He kissed her on the forehead
"Believe it Fletcher this is now mine"
"oh well suits you better than me anyway" Fletch tried to ignore Jac's fingers which were caressing his neck and shoulders " Chinese, Indian or pizza....Jesus Jac how is a man supposed to concentrate on anything when you're doing that?"
"I'm sorry. It's not my fault if I can't keep my hands off you" she smirked " but I am hungry. Seem to have worked up quite an appetite today" she removed her hands and walked over to the bench where he had got the takeaway menus out.
"Ugh You really are infuriating Naylor" Fletch laughed repeating some of his tirade from when Jac was being stubborn when she was his patient.
She immediately realised "well I love you too Fletcher - except now I really do love you too Fletcher. Maybe I did then but didn't realise"
"Hmmm" he knew that he'd definitely begun to fall at that point back then.
They decided on Chinese and laid out a banquet on the living room carpet while they watched rubbish telly. Every now and then one of them would feed each other something. There were 'accidental' brushes of hands and chaste kisses that tasted of sweet and sour sauce. Jac could not remember ever being this happy. This open with another human being,
"I can't remember being this happy before. Ever" she said briefly squeezing Fletch's hand
"Me too" he replied
"Just don't let me fuck it up Fletch"she said seriously " if you see me going back to my old closed off self or pushing you away. Call me on it ok and remind me of this perfect day"
"I'm not gonna let you fuck it up"
"I don't want to but someone recently told me that it's in my nature and that sometimes I don't even realise I'm doing it. I want to change" she kissed his knuckles " for you"

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