What now?

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Fletch looked at their entwined hands and then back at her tear stained face.
"Ok so that helps me understand why you do what you do but it doesn't tell me what you want"
Jac shrugged
"Jac, you've turned up at my house, you're wearing my clothes, you're baring your soul"
"I know I'm sorry." Jac stood up "I should go"
Fletch stood up and held her shoulders " No. no way. You do not get to run out on this again. You need to know how I feel Jac." He looked down at her and knew he had to tell her how he felt but right now he had to kiss her. He could hardly breathe as he slid his arms round her waist and pulled her closer. He lowered his lips towards hers. As they were nearly touching "are you ok with this?" He murmured his words gently playing on her lips as he spoke. She nodded almost imperceptibly and closed her eyes. Fletch began kissing her. Gently, softly. She started to kiss him back slowly, languorously their tongues found each other and the kiss deepened. Fletch's hands crept under his hoodie that she was wearing. She was bare underneath. " where's your bra Naylor" he whispered. " I wanted your clothes to be next to my skin" she breathed. He groaned and moved his hands further under the hoodie and up to her breasts. Jac moaned in pleasure, realising that if she was honest with herself she had wanted this for a very long time. Fletch caressed her breasts teasing each nipple as she continued to moan in pleasure.
She could feel his obvious excitement against her. She was too shy and unsure to reach out for him but she was unconsciously, subtly, beginning to rock her hips against him gently. Fletch groaned again and pulled his lips away from hers and removed his hands..
"Are you joking?" a flushed Jac muttered
" we can't Jac. Not yet. There's things we need to sort out. I'm sorry I got carried away"
"I'm not" she smiled. He enveloped her in a famous Fletcher hug and kissed her neck as she returned the embrace
"You're a naughty girl Ms Naylor"
"You're a naughty boy Mr Fletcher"

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