The training of gods part 2

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A/N while a fight is going on words in () are thoughts of someone outside of the battle.

Darklord's POV

He's done it, I knew that he would get done faster than most would but on his first day he's done what typically takes even the most experienced demons and warriors months to do. "Alright now you will use this power to fight one of my clones at one-tenth of my strength."

The fight begins, (Y/N) lands the first hit with an energy blast knocking the clone back a few feet, 125 damage, it gets back up and launches black spikes at him, (unless he is in tune with this strength he won't be able to dodge these because he can't see them), miss, he jumped out of the way and charged at the clone landing another hit this time with his scythe, 354 damage. As he keeps trying to hit the clone his face and scythe both change he looks as if there are stars going up his neck and around most of his right eye, and the blade of his scythe is now glowing a gold-white color and the handle of it has a galaxy design. He continues to attack furiously every time he hit dealt more damage 350, 400, 523, 624, 709, 765, 800 one more hit and the clone will die let's see how he will react to the clone's final attack. Hundreds of black spikes shoot up, black GBs appear, black spears fly out of it, and huge bombs are dropped, all at once. (Y/N) gets hit only by one of the Gaster blaster's lasers, but it's impact was stopped by him spinning the scythe to act as a shield dodging everything else he charges and hits the clone, 99999 damage.

Your POV 

I land the final blow, 99999 damage, it looks like my scythe has skills that I didn't know about, "looks like it can absorb half the damage from an attack and then is used to increase the strength of my next attack." I explain to Darklord when he asked how my last attack was so powerful. 

Time skip eight and a half days 

"Alright (Y/N) now for the final test of your will." Then unlike any other time he had me fight he summoned a clone that I wouldn't, no couldn't fight even if it was a clone, it was a clone of Frisk holding a bloody knife. "This should be a physical incarnation of your worst fear, I cannot see what you see but by the terrified look on your face I can see that it worked, to complete this test you must kill the image you see here." "HELLO AGAIN PARTNER," I hear her say in a familiar voice, CYPHEROUS. "No no I can't do it I just can't do it I won't hurt Frisk but I will kill the demon possessing her with pleasure." I charge at the clone aiming just above the Frisk because that is where his strings are.

Darklord's POV 

Wow he said that he wouldn't hurt it but he has such a bloodthirsty look on his face and even the way he talks is different, more ominous than I am and I'm a god. "Alright (Y/N) you have proven your point the test is over!" He just continues to mindlessly strike at the two part clone, not harming the one on the ground but going after the flying one damn I think I need to stop him but I also want to see how this plays out the clone was a 90% strength one, *BOOM* he walks away from the fight unharmed with his scythe glowing red with the essence of the clone. He killed my clone.

Your POV 

I just need to land one hit, I feel my anger and my fear combine within my body, "now die once and for all Cypherous." My scythe charges with the energy around me and a Gaster blaster appears on the scythe opposite the blade, it shoots swinging it faster than ever before the blade slams into the clone *BOOM* I killed the clone with one hit. I walk away towards Darklord "I have finished your test, how did I do?" "You were unlike anyone I've ever seen you have passed with flying colors and now you can go back to your world or back to the world you were in with Frisk." He said.

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