Enter the Void part 2

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Your POV

I passed out when I tried to summon a clone for Chara to be with, when I woke up I noticed that Chara had her back to me and was in a fighting stance. I slowly pushed myself up and looked to where Chara was looking and noticed something, it looked almost, human, but it was red and black. "Stay away from him, he is hurt." I looked up she still hasn't noticed that I was up so I tried to use magic but it wouldn't work. "He doesn't look that harmed to me." I recognized the voice but I can't remember where I heard it before. Chara then looked back to see that I was sitting up looking lost, but not like a child who walked away from his parents at the store, but not like I was lost in thought either, it was a new look, "C-Chara m-my s-soul it's not working, I can't use my magic or my abilities." She looked at me horrified as my soul appeared in front of us, it had its normal shape but it changed, now rather than being gold with rainbow cracks on it, it was a white outline of my soul. "I read about this before, but always thought it was a myth, I.. Chara I have lost my soul trait." Looking at my soul I realized how it happened and what my soul is now. "The trait my soul now has is emptiness, and like the name suggests it means that I have nothing in my soul, not a trace of determination, kindness, patience. I have none of the seven deadly sins nor any of the seven heavenly virtues, I am nothing." She just looks at me notices that all emotions are getting sapped from me. "Ha ha ha that's what you get for breaking the rules of the souls. Now you will become nothing but a void in and of yourself, all you are now is a sponge absorbing the energy of others around you." 

X-tale Chara's POV

No that can't be true, "How is that possible, how can you do that?" I watch his every move and notice that he moves just like (Y/N) did when I fought him. "Alright then if you won't answer, then I will force it out." I charge at him and he does the same exact thing that (Y/N) did now I know his pattern so it will be easy to beat him. After ten minutes of the battle I fall to the ground, exhausted, then I notice (Y/N) isn't where he was a moment ago, now he is in front of this thing.

Your POV

"Before I kill you may I ask your name?" It looks at me, "It's enforcer number 72." "No, what is your real name?" "It's Vincent." "Thank you now I'll take my soul back if you don't mind."

  X-tale Chara's POV  

What does he mean by that, take his soul back, and why is his voice so deathly serious and monotone? I stare at the two for a minute then Vincent attacks, 0 damage.

(Y/N) lv:0 attack:0 defense:0 HP: 0/0

I stare some more and (Y/N) grabs the soul of the enforcer and swaps the two souls, "How did you know that I had your soul?" "I know the feeling of my own soul, I'm not that dumb to fall for a trick like that." After the souls were switched the enforcer turned to dust. (Y/N) speaks before I do, "Chara, I have broken many rules when it comes to the soul and being here in the void has allowed me to think about it. A human shouldn't be able to absorb souls, but I have. I have taken on godly powers and now I have repaid for what I have done, I have lost mastery over the powers I have gained here." I look at him he seems like he is ready to die but he still holds onto his perfect smile. "If you were able to leave here without me would you do it, if I gave you the power to rebuild your AU, but it kills me would you do it? I need to know that first." I am taken back by this, and I can't respond to him. "Your silence gives the answer, you wouldn't, you couldn't." 

Your POV

I stare straight up, thinking, "Chara I think that it's time for you to go. Darklord." I say, without any warning a portal opens, it seems weak "Hey bro can you take her to X-tale and do me a favor before you drop her off there, take a piece of my soul and fix her AU." I say. "What, but that could kill you!" they say in unison. "I know it can kill me but just help her out she has been hurting for a long time and I have helped to increase that pain, so just do this for me." I break off a large part of my soul a message appears beside me. 

Soul count; 899,999,998 souls

New amount; 9,999,856 souls

They stare at the message, "That's over half the souls you have left!" Zero says. "I know but this is to fix an entire AU and to repair the damage she has caused to the others." I say wincing in pain. I push Chara in and the portal closes.

After few more days another portal opens and Frisk comes through, when she sees me she bursts into tears. "Don't ever do that to me again." I just nod and we walk out of the void hand in hand into a ruined laboratory "What happened here?"

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