
42.1K 390 16

Tips on how to get reads. I've almost got 10K so thank you all so much. 😘

1) As bring as it sounds, correct punctuation. I hate reading books if people don't know or when to use a full stop or if they write like: 'it was hot and i went to alana's house.' I NOT 'i'.

2) If you write a Imagine/Preference book like me, name your chapters so that people know what tend are about. If I want to read, say a 'You're Sick' preference, of you name the chapter what it's about, people find it easier and won't have to not read your book thinking that it's not good.

3) Regular updates! They help though I know it can be hard to fit it around school and club schedules 😁

And 4) Make sure you enjoy writing!

IG - @hakunahemmings and @hemmings5soz . PS: Thank you for 800 followers in 6 weeks 💓

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