2•"do you know who 5sos are?"

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I woke with a start when I felt a nudge on my arm. I jumped awake to find myself in the same seat on the same airplane.

"Sorry Cindy but I had to wake you up to ask did you want lasagne or salad?" Melissa said sheepishly smiling.

"Oh that's fine, lasagne please" I smiled at the hostess who was walking up the aisle, not that I would eat the food anyway. It smelt horrible.

On the small screen infront of me it read 3hr and 24 minutes left. I literally slept for that entire time, I must of needed it. I hope I didn't snore, poor Melissa she would be deafened.

The next 3 hours I spent picking my free nuts that were on my tray and watching movies. After watching Inside Out and various episodes of CSI Miami, I heard the familiar ping of the intercom.

"We hope you have enjoyed your flight with American Airlines, we are now reaching our destination in the next few minutes please put on your seatbelts and fold your trays"

I felt a drop in my stomach as I realised that I was going to actually do this. And I knew nothing about these boys! Crap, how am I meant to bag a job if I'm clueless to what this band even is?

Out of desperation I nudge Melissa and she turns to look at me while folding her magazine.

"Um-Melissa super weird question but do you know who 5SOS are?" I question chewing the inside of my cheek.

"What? Yeah of course! I listen to them all the time! I really love Michael, and his hair and everything about him. And oh my god Ashton's fingers there so long and Luke, his voice literally gives me the shivers and Calum's LIPS! Have you seen his LIPS!"

Melissa rambles on and I quickly realise she was the wrong person to ask as all I'm hearing is how Luke had some girlfriend and how Michael has a song wrote about him.

"No I mean like, music? Do you know anything about their music?" I but in quickly, I don't wanna be rude but we land in 2 minutes and I know nothing.

Melissa clears her throats and nods. "Yeah I love their song Vapour but if I had to choose a golden oldie I would have to go for Try Hard. It has the cutest music video, but also I'm a big fan of the entire sounds good feels good album. It's gold"

I nod my head and smile. Happy and confident I've received an insight into what was going down in the next few hours with these boys.

When I feel the pressure drop and my belly turn I realise we're speeding onto the runway so fast it feels like we're still flying. When we finally halt everyone claps on board, weird.

It takes a while to let everyone from the back out and I take the opportunity to hug Melissa and say goodbye. We even trade phone numbers.

Grabbing my duffel bag from the overhead compartment I make my way down the corridor and out of the plane. Immediately outside I see the beautiful bright sunshine and the bright blue sky. I actually stop for a minute to catch my breath.

"What an amazing place" I whisper to myself and snap a few pictures before making my way to the baggage area to wait for my suitcase. I spot it rolling along and grab it quickly before making my way across the busy airport.

I'm just about to ask where I can find a taxi when I hear someone shout out my name in an Australian accent.

"Cindy? Cindy Kimberly?" I turn to see a bald man with sunglasses holding a small cardboard card reading my name.

I walk over to the man and he flashes me a cheesy smile."Hello miss, are you Cindy? Zoe Smith has signed me to collect you to bring you to the Ban Hotel"

The Internship•Calum Hood AUWhere stories live. Discover now